On Nov 29, 2013, at 9:00 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
Those are two uses of metalanguage -- and a metalanguage is Yet Another
Language (YAL). Every YAL needs semantics.
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm not intimately immersed in the details of RDF, OWL, etc. Objective-C is my legacy language of the day.
As far as I've been able to discern after 5+ years of wonderful MIT SemanticWeb meetings, the dirty little secret of the SemanticWeb is there's no semantics.
Or—said slightly differently—the SemanticWeb has put some new, implicit spin on the meaning of "semantic."
Or... SemWeb is no more semantic than any other software language.
Sooner or later someONE (that's a carbon based life form, not silicon) will have to apply their eyeballs, brain & contextual experience to the fact that in one context YAL is John Sowa's "yet another language" and in another context YAL means "yttrium aluminum laser."
If SemWeb is good at solving that—as far as I can see unavoidable—contextual issue, I've yet to see it.
Could simply be I drove an 029 for too long.