On 7/25/13 11:53 AM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -
On Jul 25, 2013, at 11:41 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
these tools have to build on the
legacy infrastructure in use, that's the only way to grab
But... is my request not clear?
I understand the owl:sameAs mechanism STATES the equivalence
of thingies.
That's after the fact.
Not necessarily, in addition you can infer said equivalence via
owl:inverseFunctional relations.
As for put this together for end-users, integrators etc., you can
simply reconcile equivalence from literal labels. We offer than kind
of capability on Virtuoso which is demonstrable via the live LOD
cloud instance we host. The key thing is to have the data in place
combined with the ability to refine, perpetually.
What—if anything—in SW helps DISCOVER the relationships?
It's not much value if one cannot trace the STATEMENT back to
the DISCOVERY process.
Yes, the point I am making in my response above.
No, you would transform the legacy data
(using transient or materialized views) and then apply the
reasoning at the view layer.
Strong disagreement.
When making the view (which may be transient or materialized) the
system can apply inference to relation semantics discernible from
the data. We have offered that as a feature in Virtuoso for years.
Removing the data from the legacy systems messes with the
semantics of the production data.
When the views are transient the dislocation concern (you express
above) dissipates.
There are all sorts of invisible, screwy "rules" buried
inside legacy systems
Yes, and they can also be incorporated into the View generation
process. For instance, this is why we make
cartridges/providers/drivers for a plethora of data sources,
formats, and services as part of Virtuoso's middleware layer. As of
last count, we are in excess of one hundred of these.
cannot do is "rip and replace"
Are there factions in SW who believe they can "rip &
replace?" Amazing.
Yes there are, sadly :-(
The track record of "we're going to rewrite THE system..." is
long & littered with red ink.
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