On Tue, May 21, 2013 12:39, Matthew West wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> I would say that differently: (01)
In 4D, i would too. But i would consider the organization an object with
a temporal, but not a spatial dimension. (02)
>> I consider the team to be an organization. People become for a time
>> organizational members. That is a relationship between them and the
>> intangible organization. (03)
> MW: I would say that there is temporal part of the person that is a
> spatio-temporal part of the organization. There is also the matter of the
> role they play, but that is another matter. (04)
I would say that there is a temporal part of a person that plays the role
of member in the organization. I would not consider that temporal part
of the person to be a spatial part of a non-spatial organization. (05)
Would you say, "Part of the Red Sox has a daughter named Sue."? (06)
-- doug foxvog (07)
> Regards
> Matthew West
> Information Junction
> Tel: +44 1489 880185
> Mobile: +44 750 3385279
> Skype: dr.matthew.west
> matthew.west@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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> This email originates from Information Junction Ltd. Registered in England
> and Wales No. 6632177.
> Registered office: 8 Ennismore Close, Letchworth Garden City,
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> SG6 2SU.
> (08)
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