On 5/23/13 10:57 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> KI
>> >The challenge here is mapping Relations in RDF with Relations in a
>> >SQL RDBMS, without losing the audience.
> I agree that you have to tailor the explanations to the audience.
> For example, I would not dump a tutorial on Peirce's semiotics on
> an unprepared audience. (I tried and lost half the audience,
> but the other half loved it.)
> But I agree with Richard Feynman: If you get a clear understanding
> of a subject in your own mind, you should be able to explain it
> in an honest way to an intelligent 12-year-old.
> In this case, I wouldn't attempt to go into the details about
> SQL or RDF. But I could show an intelligent 12-year-old how
> to represent the same data in a table or a graph.
Yes! And I did that with my own 12-year-old en route to getting him to
understand how to express triples in Turtle :-) (01)
It is clear in my mind, the challenge is being able to prepare material
that doesn't lose half the audience (non technical and attention
challenged). Anyway, I think I have something and I'll share it once
it's ready. (02)
-- (03)
Regards, (04)
Kingsley Idehen
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