On 2/25/12 10:57 PM, John F. Sowa wrote:
>> I have used RDF to improve or enable processes that would have been
>> > difficult or impossible to do with some other technology.
> Those problems were solved with LISP back in 1959. The chief designer
> of RDF was R. V. Guha, who said that he wanted to use LISP notation,
> but the W3C forced him to use XML. (01)
The problem with the statement above is that it continues to perpetuate
a misconception. Of course, this a self problem created by the W3C and
how they handled opted to handle and promote RDF initially, a long time
ago. That said, times have changes, and the W3C has put significant
effort into fixing these initial anomalies. (02)
RDF as a moniker is an unfortunate conflation of: (03)
1. Data Model - EAV enhanced with URIs plus explicit semantics for typed
literals and language tags . (04)
2. A number of data representation syntaxes and across-the-wire
serialization formats. (05)
With the above in mind, there is not broken genealogy re. LISP and other
critical pieces of this innovation continuum re. structured data
representation. Thus, we have to try to speak in clearer terms about RDF. (06)
When you simply refer "RDF" you'll find that a significant number of
folks will still interpret that as a statement about RDF/XML syntax
rather than an exploitation of the RDF Data Model. (07)
-- (08)
Regards, (09)
Kingsley Idehen
Founder& CEO
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