On Fri, February 24, 2012 17:57, "Paul Tyson" <phtyson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Thu, 2012-02-23 at 09:34 -0500, John F. Sowa wrote: (01)
>> Any proposed technology that does not support smooth interoperability
>> with mainstream IT will be ignored by mainstream IT. (02)
> That is true, but we needn't conclude that the semantics community must
> supply simplified tools, concepts, or standards for the benefit of
> mainstream IT. ... (03)
Exactly. Which is probably why the Semantic Web has not made big
inroads. They have been too concerned with simplicity (imho), restricting
statements to sets of triples and limiting the expressiveness for the
purpose of decidability. (04)
Mainstream IT does not restrict its languages to ones that guarantee
that any program written in them will complete in polynomial time.
Mainstream IT looks at the simplified tools, concepts, and standards
of the Semantic Web and finds that they do not meet their needs. (05)
If we want uptake, we have to move beyond the simplified syntax of
triples and the simplified DL languages, imho. (06)
-- doug f (07)
> Regards,
> --Paul (08)
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