Dear Jack, (01)
Thanks for the reference to microtheories. Once I
get done with the overload of work I am on, I hope
to read it! In the meantime, I am overloaded, but
still very interested in how Cyc focuses on
contexts as defined in linguistic terms. (02)
Are you, like Doug, a Cyclist? (03)
-Rich (04)
Rich Cooper
Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
9 4 9 \ 5 2 5 - 5 7 1 2 (05)
-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Jack Park
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2012 7:31 PM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontolgizing rain &
snow [was: Track 1&2 Joint Mission and Session
Abstracts] (06)
I went to looking. Saw nothing
except for someone's
master's thesis on using cyc to augment a trading
system. Note to
self: read that. (07)
But, this query "cyc microtheories" lands lots of
hits (maybe more or
less for you if you're not in google's filter
bubble). (08)
Jack (09)
On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 10:28 AM, Rich Cooper
<rich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> Thanks for clarifying that point about
MicroTheories ó Context.
> Your description of what exactly is in a
microtheory sounds like a fruitful
> thing to study. You gave a reference to your
> See my chapter on Cyc in <u>Theory and
Applications of Ontology. Volume
> II</u>
> for details of the microtheory system and a
number of different types of
> microtheories
> (Vocabulary, Theory, Data, Hypothetical, ...).
> Is there a URL to the book which you would
recommend, or to papers that
> abstract points in the book? In particular, I
would like to know how
> microtheories are comprised; understand the
mapping from observations to
> “active microtheory (?)”, and understand how the
inheritance network is
> traversed during discourse to get to the active
> Thanks,
> -Rich
> Sincerely,
> Rich Cooper
> Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
> 9 4 9 \ 5 2 5 - 5 7 1 2
> ________________________________
> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of doug foxvog
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 9:40 PM
> To: '[ontolog-forum] '
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontolgizing rain &
snow [was: Track 1&2 Joint
> Mission and Session Abstracts]
> COn 26-Jan-12 5:49 PM, Rich Cooper wrote:
> Dear Doug,
> Its interesting to see the many contexts for
> Cyc has built infrastructure. A couple of days
> ago, there was a post sequence on the Siri
> which described "active ontology" as though it
> were one ontology from a library of ontologies.
> >From a quick review of the patent, it seems
> consider the "active ontology" to be the one
> best fits the situation at hand.
> Since you are an accomplished expert on Cyc, can
> you enlighten the rest of us about whether Cyc
> uses the same or a similar concept, perhaps
> calling it something else than the "active
> ontology"?
> Cyc has set up a large set of contexts, which
they call microtheories, to
> separate its
> definitions, theories, and data by topic.
These microtheories are in an
> inheritance
> hierarchy such that topics that rely on other
topics have the corresponding
> topics
> as #$genlMts. To reason about a certain set of
data, one would normally
> create a
> #$DataMicrotheory and specify its closest
#$genlMts. All the statements
> from the
> #$genlMts and <i>their</i>#$genlMts are
inherited (with provision for
> defining
> exceptions to various rules). The microtheory
in which a question is asked
> would
> correspond to SIRI's "active ontology".
> See my chapter on Cyc in <u>Theory and
Applications of Ontology. Volume
> II</u>
> for details of the microtheory system and a
number of different types of
> microtheories
> (Vocabulary, Theory, Data, Hypothetical, ...).
> At least by the time i left Cycorp (in 2003),
there were few statements
> encoded in CycL
> that provided meta-information about what the
microthories's topics were and
> what
> they were designed to be used for. Many terms
had their #$definingMt
> specified, which
> meant that reasoning about them should not be
done unless the specified
> microtheory
> was included in the mass of #$genlMts of the
query microtheory. This
> restriction was
> not code-enforced by the end of 2003.
> I did not read the patent, but from the
discussions in this forum, am led to
> understand
> that they have a set of rules for selecting the
contexts (which they call
> ontologies) to use
> in solving a question. There had been
discussion in Cycorp about doing
> such a thing,
> utilizing both the #$definingMt assertions and
other meta-assertions about
> the microtheories,
> but i have seen no design work towards such a
> SIRI's technique for selecting an "active
ontology" might be novel. The
> idea of determining
> an ontology in which to ask a question is not.
> I hope this helps.
> -- doug
> Descriptions appreciated,
> -Rich
> Sincerely,
> Rich Cooper
> Rich AT EnglishLogicKernel DOT com
> 9 4 9 \ 5 2 5 - 5 7 1 2
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Behalf Of doug foxvog
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 2:04 PM
> To: [ontolog-forum]
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontolgizing rain &
> snow [was: Track 1&2 Joint Mission and Session
> Abstracts]
> Being under heavy rain bombardment for several
> days, a rare process in
> our parts, the atmospheric condition demands
> more attention.
> Doug,
> What about methane rain, neon rain, sulfuric
> acid rain, iron rain,
> volcanic ash rain, or rain dust, full of
> chemicals, minerals and silt,
> we have here,
> in the Med Area, each early springtime from
> North Africa.
> Cyc has not modeled extra-terrestrial rain, but
> would be done similarly.
> Their terms for rain refer to water rain.
> They do have AcidRainProcess as a specialization
> of RainProcess, and
> have modeled Chemistry at the level of an
> introductory college class
> (actually: modelling the content of an AP
> chemistry text -- for those
> familiar with the US high school system).
> The ontology has classes and relations for
> representing material disolved
> or suspended in rainwater.
> And how to formally represent the
> precipitation/downfall/rain properties:
> types and forms, material and composition,
> duration and intensity, speed
> and noise, quantity and quality, products and
> results, or causes and
> effects ...
> These are all basic concepts that have been well
> thought out and
> ontologized at the generic level in Cyc. I only
> have a copy of OpenCyc
> on my computer, so don't have access to any
> Cycorp may have
> generated inter-relating such things .
> Durations are specified as (#$MinutesDuration N)
> [or another resolution];
> downfall intensity can represented as (#$PerFn
> (#$Centi #$Meter)
> #$HoursDuration); and wind speed in some
> #$UnitOfSpeed.
> For causality, #$causes-SitSit would relate the
> event of the storm (a
> #$PhysicalEvent which is a type of #$Situation)
> with a #$Situation which
> it has caused. To state that the storm caused
> some proposition to be
> true, one would use (#$causes-ThingProp
> BlizzardOf2012 <proposition>).
> It looks any seasonal falling to the planet of
> any form of material refers
> to precipitation, as downfall of any from of
> substance, rock, glass,
> water, etc.
> Cyc's #$PrecipitationProcess allows for such
> specializations of precipitation
> to be defined and reasoned about. Even without
> creating new terms,
> you could refer to #$PrecipitationParticles
> are #$composedOf
> (#$SolutionFn (#$LiquidFn #$Water)
> #$HydrogenChloride), or one in
> which they are #$Suspensions with the
> #$suspendingFluid being one
> substance and with #$suspendedParts being some
> other substance, such
> as a (#$MobFn #$SandParticle)s.
> It appears that they don't have a term for
> #$VolcanicAsh
> Azamat
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "doug foxvog" <doug@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 8:11 PM
> Subject: [ontolog-forum] Ontolgizing rain & snow
> [was: Track 1&2 Joint
> Mission and Session Abstracts]
> [ Also sent to ontology-summit discussion group.
> ]
> Matthew West wrote:
> I understand your view. How shall you handle
> rain and snow?
> Rain & snow refer to physical precipitation
> particles, the precipitation
> in
> bulk, the process that produces the
> precipitation, storms as events, and
> storms as objects.
> Cyc's representation of these different, but
> related things (leaving out
> comments and some additional statements)
> includes:
> (isa PrecipitationParticle ExistingObjectType)
> (genls PrecipitationParticle Particle)
> (genls PrecipitationParticle
> InanimateObject-Natural)
> (isa RainProcess ProcessType)
> (genls RainProcess PrecipitationProcess)
> (isa SnowProcess ProcessType)
> (genls SnowProcess PrecipitationProcess)
> (isa Rainwater ExistingStuffType)
> (genls Rainwater (LiquidFn Water-Fresh))
> (isa SnowMob ExistingStuffType)
> (genls SnowMob (SolidFn Water))
> (isa Snowflake ExistingObjectType)
> (genls Snowflake PrecipitationParticle)
> (genls (MobFn Snowflake) SnowMob)
> (isa Raindrop ExistingObjectType)
> (genls Raindrop PrecipitationParticle)
> (genls Raindrop Rainwater)
> (relationAllExists outputsGenerated
> PrecipitationProcess
> (MobFn
> PrecipitationParticle))
> (relationAllExists outputsGenerated RainProcess
> (MobFn Raindrop))
> (relationAllExists outputsGenerated SnowProcess
> (MobFn Snowflake))
> (isa StormAsObject ExistingObjectType)
> (genls StormAsObject InanimateObject-Natural)
> (relationAllExists physicalParts StormAsObject
> CloudInSky)
> (isa RainStormAsObject ExistingObjectType)
> (genls RainStormAsObject StormAsObject)
> (relationAllExists physicalParts StormAsObject
> CloudInSky)
> (relationAllExists physicalParts StormAsObject
> (MobFn Raindrop))
> (isa SnowStormAsObject ExistingObjectType)
> (genls SnowStormAsObject StormAsObject)
> (relationAllExists physicalParts StormAsObject
> CloudInSky)
> (relationAllExists physicalParts
> SnowStormAsObject (MobFn Snowflake))
> (not (relationExistsAll doneBy
> PrecipitationProcess StormAsObject))
> (comment
> (not (relationExistsAll doneBy
> PrecipitationProcess StormAsObject))
> "A StormAsObject would include Duststorms,
> which don't (necessarily)
> include precipitation.")
> (relationExistsAll doneBy RainProcess
> RainStormAsObject)
> (relationExistsAll doneBy SnowProcess
> SnowStormAsObject)
> (isa StormAsEvent ExistingObjectType)
> (genls StormAsEvent ImmediateWeatherProcess)
> (isa RainStormAsEvent ExistingObjectType)
> (genls RainStormAsEvent StormAsEvent)
> (relationAllExists subprocesses RainStormAsEvent
> RainProcess)
> (relationAllExists doneBy RainStormAsEvent
> RainStormAsObject)
> (isa SnowStormAsEvent ExistingObjectType)
> (genls SnowStormAsEvent StormAsEvent)
> (relationAllExists subprocesses SnowStormAsEvent
> SnowProcess)
> (relationAllExists doneBy SnowStormAsEvent
> SnowStormAsObject)
> (isa SnowStormAsObject ExistingObjectType)
> (genls SnowStormAsObject StormAsObject)
> (relationAllExists physicalParts
> SnowStormAsObject (MobFn Snowflake))
> Jack
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 6:09 AM, Matthew West
> wrote:
> The main problem here is one of different
> people using terms
> differently. Hardly an ontological problem per
> se, but certainly a
> problem that causes confusion in developing
> ontologies.
> This is always a problem for ontologists. The
> different meanings have
> to be teased apart.
> Interestingly as a 4 dimensionalist I don't
> recognise endurants at all,
> but I do recognise activities, physical
> objects, and participants.
> Under
> this world view all individuals (including
> activities, physical objects
> and participants) are spatiotemporal extents,
> and you discover that an
> activity consists of its participants, where a
> participant is the state
> of a physical object that participates in some
> activity. So I recognise
> the things you talk about. However, I would
> assign the term "system" to
> the physical object the participant is a state
> of.
> I would not restrict the term "system" merely to
> physical objects. But
> having multiple clearly defined concepts which
> different people use that
> word
> for in different contexts, is fine. They just
> need different URIs.
> -- doug
> Regards
> Matthew West
> Information Junction
> Tel: +44 1489 880185
> Mobile: +44 750 3385279
> Skype: dr.matthew.west
> matthew.west@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> This email originates from Information
> Junction Ltd. Registered in
> England and Wales No. 6632177.
> Registered office: 2 Brookside, Meadow Way,
> Letchworth Garden City,
> Hertfordshire, SG6 3JE.
> ...
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