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Re: [ontolog-forum] Partial interest ontology

To: <doug@xxxxxxxxxx>, "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "AzamatAbdoullaev" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:07:16 +0300
Message-id: <B4AAD60362DE43CEAE968B77F4CCC750@personalpc>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "doug foxvog" <doug@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Partial interest ontology    (01)

> On Fri, August 26, 2011 14:00, AzamatAbdoullaev said:
>> John:
>>> "I admit that I have never been happy with Cyc's upper level.  To
>>> say that Interest is a kind of TemporalStuffType is much too weak.
>>> It omits fundamental relationships of interest to purpose, goals,
>>> and intentions."
>> That's really significant. It's necessary to define if an interest is a
>> form
>> of reason, a final cause, the sake, goal, end, result or objective to
>> pursue and obtain.
> I defined an interest as a type of situation in the ontology.
AA: It's hard to attribute any key meanings of situation to the interest, a 
state of affairs; position (unfortunate or fortunate); or difficulty. 
Instead of belonging to state, or condition, the interest is rather about a 
cause, change, force, motive, or intention generating behavior.  And its not 
a relation (binary predicate), but a final cause, we say: "for the sake of 
nation, for your own sake, inn the interest of future, in the public 
> The problem with defining it as a form of reason is the common idea
> that certain people don't know what their interests really are.
AA: Indeed. The scope of human and national interest are formed by politics, 
ideology, or commercial propaganda. That's critical, the self-interest is 
controled and regulated...the consumption behavior is artificially induced 
as far as its in line with the commercial or political interests.
> One can certainly reason about one's own (or someone else's) perceived
> interests.  One can make it a goal/objective to pursue the interest and
> satisfy it.  One can do something for the sake of the interest.
>> How its related to need, motive, motivation, and morality.
> Satisfying a physiological need would be in a person's interest.  A
> person can have other needs -- ones to achieve various goals.  A person
> could set a goal which is not actually in his/her own interest.  The
> needs of such goals are not necessarily in the person's interest.
AA: This is what marked as "enlightened self-interest", you further the 
interest of others while serving your own self-interests.
> People often have motives and motivation to satisfy their interests.
> One's non-physiological interests may be moral or not.  That seems to
> be an orthogonal concept.  However, many people deem/find it in their
> interest to act in a moral manner.
AA: Morality, ethical motives, ethics, the ideas of good and evil, right and 
wrong, mucy be "categorical imperatives" while a human or group pursue their 
>> At
>> which reality it emerges, biological reality, cognitive reality or social
>> reality.
> There would be interests at each level.  We could subcategorize interests
> as BiologicalInterest, CognitiveInterest, SocialInterest, etc.
>> What the key types of self-interest are, individual, familial,
>> tribal, corporate, group, or national.
> I did mention these.
AA: Yes. But you estranging people classify the interest-holders like: 
AgentOrganization. Also, i doubt any genetic differences between human 
beings. Hence the racial classification is just a social invention, like as 
White race, Black race, Yellow race, Red race, Slavic Race, or master race.    (02)

>> All these and other things are overwhelmingly important. As we know, the
>> whole geopolitics and international relations are guided by the national
>> self-interests (mercantilism), balancing the national self-interests of
>> several big powers.
> I defined some relations for ranking one's different interests.  Different
> theories would have different rules for comparing them.
>> The Libyian tragedy you mentioned before is looked by many stakeholders
>> more
>> as a mercantile enterprise pursuing all sorts of self-interests and
>> ambitions: individual, tribal,..., or "reason of the state". Its also
>> critical to see why the real issues as the rule of law, public good,
>> morality and collective security appear less valuable then 
>> self-interests.
> One could try to model the many competing interests of the various players
> and model the relative ranking of interests of each player.  In that
> players might revise their relative rankings of interests, it would
> be hard to keep such a model current.
AA: Indeed. Seemingly, any life game is about competing/satisfying human 
interests of different quality and levels.
>> It appears a real ontology of self-interest is of global social
>> importance as well.
> It could be used to argue that an opponents "true" interests would be
> better served if they took another course or to argue for the immorality
> of an opponent's relative ranking of different interests.  Such arguments
> could be used to try to convince the public in a democratic society to
> get their representatives to change course.
AA: Morality has long been the only criterion for good or evil intentions, 
right or wrong actions. The issue is, it is subject to many different, 
again, self-interest interpretations, cultural, political, and religious. As 
a result, we see widely spread immorality or amorality, indifference to any 
set of moral codes. The solution is to formulate an ideology-neutral moral 
principles and standards as part of Standard Ontology.
> Whether people would actually be persuaded by logic, is another matter.
They could... but by Standard Ontology.
> -- doug
>> Azamat
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>> To: <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 7:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Partial interest ontology
>>> On 8/26/2011 11:34 AM, AzamatAbdoullaev wrote:
>>>> With my respect to Doug's effort, giving usually very interesting
>>>> contribution, the least that we need is to "cyc" things here, like
>>>> "interest - temporalstufftype; self-interest-temporalstufftype;
>>>> agent-exisitng agenttype, etc.". Besides, its top ontology is too weak
>>>> haphazard.
>>> I admit that I have never been happy with Cyc's upper level.  To say
>>> that Interest is a kind of TemporalStuffType is much too weak.  It omits
>>> fundamental relationships of interest to purpose, goals, and intentions.
>>> But I also agree with Doug Lenat that the most useful inferences come
>>> from the mid levels and lower levels.  We should have an upper level
>>> that provides more guidance to anyone who is defining lower levels.
>>> But it's also important to avoid putting so many axioms into the
>>> upper level that they create inconsistencies with axioms needed
>>> at the lower levels.
>>> What Doug F. has done is to show how a given upper level (namely Cyc's)
>>> can be used as a basis for specifying and relating mid-level concepts.
>>> That analysis is useful, and it can be adapted to other upper levels,
>>> but it's important to develop such a level.
>>> As we have seen, it is very hard to get any consensus on the upper
>>> levels.  And I believe that there are multiple reasons why.  But that
>>> is an issue that requires a lot more analysis.
>>>> Briefly, we need just a sensible ontology of self-interest open to a
>>>> wide
>>>> public as well as machines.
>>> I would agree, but I don't believe that you can specify self interest
>>> without a general treatment of many other interrelated concepts.
>>> Following is an article in which I analyze those issues:
>>>    http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/rolelog.pdf
>>>    The Role of Logic and Ontology in Language and Reasoning
>>> On the other hand, I also believe that it's useful to analyze the
>>> relationships among the mid-level concepts, as Doug F. has done.
>>> John
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> initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."
>    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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