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Re: [ontolog-forum] Partial interest ontology

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "AzamatAbdoullaev" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:42:10 +0300
Message-id: <E70F29C170A5488B8508D2D075A8067F@personalpc>
On Friday, August 26, 2011 9:41 PM, John wrote: "agree that a good ontology 
can clarify many of the issues.  But an ontology only defines the terms used 
in the debate."    (01)

Not only definitions and meanings, but also standards codes, and rules, or 
ontological protocols, to follow.    (02)

John: "Much more work is necessary to analyze the actual issues and to 
formulate policies about what to do about them."    (03)

That's right. I'd say to qualitatively extend the scope and scale of human 
self-interests. Nowadays, the scope of human and national interest is formed 
by domineering politics, ideology, or commercial concerns. The self-interest 
is shaped, controled and regulated...the consumption behavior is 
artificially induced to be in line with the commercial or political 
For instance, the eco world development policy is fully in line with the 
human self-interest for ecosecurity, ecosanitation, ecoconservation and 
protection and eco-landscape. To enjoy clean air, safe water supply, clean 
food, clean transportation, healthy urban ecosystems, or eclogically healthy 
cities is both in the private and public interests.
Now a sensible ontology of self-interest is supposed to raise the 
eco-awareness, eco-interest as well, to help  people see their reponsibility 
for the environment, their original belonging to the Mother Nature/Earth, 
whom the ancient people prayed having higher eco-morality and eco-sense the 
than modern people.
Azamat    (04)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Partial interest ontology    (05)

> Doug and Azamat,
> DF
>> I was building on an existing ontology, selecting terms that were
>> needed for the purpose of the interest ontology.  I would suggest
>> that not every ontology needs to re-invent a top-level.  Ontologies
>> are designed to be reused.
> I fully approve of reusing available ontologies when they're available,
> and I have frequently recommended the Cyc ontology as one that is
> available, better than most, and much more detailed than others.
> But I was also mentioning some of my misgivings about the Cyc
> upper level.
> DF
>> An instance of a class that is an instance of TemporalStuffType is
>> (from a 3D+1 viewpoint) "all there" at any instance it exists.
>> If a class is an instance of TemporalObjectType, that means its
>> instances have temporal parts, and therefore at any given moment
>> (from a 3D+1 viewpoint) is only partly there.
> Yes.  That is an application of mereology, which is useful for many
> purposes.  But by itself, mereology is woefully inadequate for
> defining anything that has to do with intentionality.
> Barry Smith and John Searle had a debate about an ontology
> of "social reality" a few years ago:
>    http://ontology.buffalo.edu/smith/articles/dksearle.htm
> Neither of them had read much, if anything, by Peirce, but Searle
> used triadic relations that could be translated to Peirce's in
> a fairly straightforward way.  Smith was trying to use mereology
> with nothing but dyadic relations.
> I commented on that debate in Section 3 (pp. 7 to 8) of
>    http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/worlds.pdf
> I believe that Searle presented arguments that were stronger and
> more cogent than Smith's.  But I also think that Searle could
> have formulated his arguments more clearly and forcefully if
> he had studied Peirce.
> AA
>> It appears a real ontology of self-interest is of global social
>> importance as well.
> I agree that a good ontology can clarify many of the issues.  But
> an ontology only defines the terms used in the debate.  Much more
> work is necessary to analyze the actual issues and to formulate
> policies about what to do about them.
> John
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