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[ontolog-forum] Partial interest ontology

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "doug foxvog" <doug@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:47:21 -0400 (EDT)
Message-id: <56333.>
Here is the interest ontology which i've been working on, adapting
suggestions from the Ontolog Forum.    (01)

The last few weeks, i've been involved in helping a relative move
so have not had much spare time to work on this.    (02)

It is still only a partial ontology; several sets of terms have not
been ontologized yet.  But i'm sharing it now, opening it for discussion
and suggestions.    (03)

I've written it in CycL, in order to more easily make certain statements.
Many of the necessary terms were already in Open Cyc, so i included them
along with their comments.    (04)

I'd appreciated constructive comments.    (05)

-- doug foxvog    (06)

---------------------------------------------------------------    (07)

                           Self Interest Ontology    (08)

(isa Interest cyc:TemporalStuffType)
(genls Interest cyc:Situation)
(comment Interest “Each instance of Interest is a situation in which it
would benefit or harm the interested party if some type of situation would
(or would not) occur or continue occuring.”)    (09)

(isa PositiveInterest cyc:TemporalStuffType)
(genls PositiveInterest Interest)
(comment PositiveInterest “Each instance of PositiveInterest is a
situation in which it would benefit the interested party if some type of
situation would (or would not) occur or continue occuring.”)    (010)

(isa NegativeInterest cyc:TemporalStuffType)
(genls NegativeInterest Interest)
(comment NegativeInterest “Each instance of NegativeInterest is a
situation in which it would harm the interested party if some type of
situation would (or would not) occur or continue occuring.”)    (011)

(isa SelfInterest cyc:TemporalStuffType)
(genls SelfInterest Interest)
(genls SelfInterest cyc:SomethingExisting)
(comment SelfInterest “A specialization of Interest.  Each instance  of
SelfInterest is an Interest in which the interestedParty deems it to be
directly in its interest without balancing it against counterveiling
positive or negative interests.”)    (012)

(isa interestedParty cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestedParty Interest)
(arg2Isa interestedParty Agent_Generic)
(comment interesetedParty “(interestedParty INTEREST AGENT) means that
AGENT has a positive or
negative interest in a specific type of situation occuring (or continuing
to occur).”)    (013)

(isa interestBeneficiary cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestBeneficiary Interest)
(arg2Isa interestBeneficiary Agent_Generic)
(comment interestBeneficiary “(interestBeneficiary INTEREST AGENT) means
that AGENT would be a
beneficiary if an event  of the specified interestSituationType came to
pass or continued.”)    (014)

(isa interestBeneficiaryGroup cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestBeneficiaryGroup Interest)
(arg2Isa interestBeneficiaryGroup GroupOfAgents)
(comment interestBeneficiaryGroup “( interestBeneficiaryGroup INTEREST
GROUP) means that an agent
which is a member of GROUP would be a beneficiary if an event  of the
specified interestSituationType
came to pass or continued.”)    (015)

(isa interestBeneficiaryType cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestBeneficiaryType Interest)
(arg2Genls interestBeneficiaryType Agent_Generic)
(comment interestBeneficiaryType “(interestBeneficiaryType INTEREST
AGENT_TYPE) means that an
instance of AGENT_TYPE would be a beneficiary if an event  of the
specified interestSituationType came
to pass or continued.”)    (016)

(isa interestMaleficiary cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestMaleficiary Interest)
(comment interestMaleficiary “(interestMaleficiary INTEREST AGENT) means
that AGENT would be a
maleficiary if an event  of the specified interestSituationType came to
pass or continued.”)    (017)

(isa interestMaleficiaryGroup cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestMaleficiaryGroup Interest)
(arg2Isa interestMaleficiaryGroup GroupOfAgents)
(comment interestMaleficiaryGroup “(interestMaleficiaryGroup INTEREST
GROUP) means that an agent
which is a member of GROUP would be a maleficiary if an event  of the
specified interestSituationType
came to pass or continued.”)    (018)

(isa interestMaleficiaryType cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestMaleficiaryType Interest)
(arg2Genls interestMaleficiaryType Agent_Generic)
(comment interestMaleficiaryType “(interestMaleficiaryType INTEREST
AGENT_TYPE) means that an
instance of AGENT_TYPE would be a maleficiary if an event  of the
specified interestSituationType came
to pass or continued.”)    (019)

(isa situationTypeOfInterest cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa situationTypeOfInterest Interest)
(arg2Genls situationTypeOfInterest Situation)
(comment situationTypeOfInterest “(situationTypeOfInterest INTEREST
is an interest in an situation of SIT_TYPE occurring.”)    (020)

(isa interestTimeFrame cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestTimeFrame Interest)
(arg2isa interestTimeFrame cyc:Date)
(comment situationTypeOfInterest “(situationTypeOfInterest INTEREST TIME)
means that INTEREST
is an interest in an instance of the specified situation type occurring
during the time period, TIME.”)    (021)

(isa interestLocation cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestLocation Interest)
(arg2isa interestLocation cyc:Place)
(comment interestLocation “(interestLocation INTEREST PLACE) means that
INTEREST is an interest in
an instance of the specified situation type occurring at the location,
PLACE.”)    (022)

(isa interestInActionPerformer cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestInActionPerformer Interest)
(arg2isa interestInActionPerformer cyc:Place)
(comment interestInActionPerformer “(interestInActionPerformer INTEREST
AGENT) means that
INTEREST is an interest in an instance of the specified action type being
performed at least partially by
AGENT.”)    (023)

(isa interestInActionObject cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa interestInActionObject Interest)
(arg2isa interestInActionObject cyc:Place)
(comment interestInActionObject “(interestInActionObject INTEREST OBJECT)
means that
INTEREST is an interest in an instance of the specified event type acting
on OBJECT.”)    (024)

(isa preferableInterest cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(not (isa preferableInterest cyc:TransitiveBinaryPredicate))
(arg1Isa preferableInterest Interest)
(arg2isa preferableInterest Interest)
(comment preferableInterest “(preferableInterest INTEREST1 INTEREST2)
means that the interestedParty
would prefer achieving INTEREST1 to achieving INTEREST2.  Because people
are not totally logical,
preferableInterest is not transitive; a cycle could exist in which the
interested party prefers achieving
INTEREST1 to achieving INTEREST2, prefers achieving INTEREST2 to achieving
INTEREST3, yet prefers
achieving INTEREST3 to achieving INTEREST 1.”)    (025)

                Sentient Animal
                Computational Agent
----------    (026)

(isa Agent_Generic cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Agent_Generic cyc:SomethingExisting)
(comment Agent “Each instance of Agent_Generic is a being that has desires
or intentions, and the ability
to act on those desires or intentions. Instances of Agent_Generic may be
individuals (see the specialization
IndividualAgent) or they may consist of several Agent_Generics operating
together (see the specialization
MultiIndividualAgent).   Notable specializations of Agent_Generic include
Agent_PartiallyTangible and
Artifact_Agentive.”)    (027)

(isa GroupOfAgents cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls GroupOfAgents cyc:Group)
(genls GroupOfAgents cyc:SomethingExisting)
(relationAllInstance groupMemberType  GroupOfAgents Agent_Generic)
(comment GroupOfAgents “A group of instances of Agent_Generic.”)    (028)

(isa IndividualAgent cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls IndividualAgent Agent_Generic)
(disjointWith IndividualAgent GroupOfAgents)
(comment IndividualAgent “An instance of ExistingObjectType and a
specialization of Agent_Generic.  Each
instance of IndividualAgent is an instance of Agent_Generic that is not
itself a group composed of other
instances of Agent_Generic.  Notable specializations of IndividualAgent
include Person and Animal.  Note
that Organization is disjoint with IndividualAgent, since instances of
Organization are groups
composed of other instances of Agent_Generic.”)    (029)

(isa MultiIndividualAgent cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls MultiIndividualAgent Agent_Generic)
(genls MultiIndividualAgent GroupOfAgents)
(disjointWith  MultiIndividualAgent  IndividualAgent)
(comment  MultiIndividualAgent “The collection of all Agent_Generics that
each consist of other
Agent_Generics operating together. Usually the constituent agents form
some kind of Group that itself
acts as an Agent_Generic. Examples: a LegalCorporation, a
GeographicalAgent, a Neighborhood ,
Industry_Localized, or a CrowdOfPeople.”)    (030)

(isa Agent_PartiallyTangible  cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Agent_PartiallyTangible Agent_Generic)
(genls Agent_PartiallyTangible cyc:PartiallyTangible)
(comment Agent_PartiallyTangible “The collection of all Agent_Generics
that are also instances of
PartiallyTangible.”)    (031)

(isa Artifact_Agentive  cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Artifact_Agentive Agent_Generic)
(genls Artifact_Agentive Artifact_Generic)
(comment Artifact_Agentive “The collection of all instances of
Agent_Generic created by an agent or
agents (i.e., by some instance(s) of Agent_Generic).  Since each instance
of Artifact_Agentive is created by
an agent, each instance is also an artifact (i.e., an instance of
Artifact_Generic).  One important
specialization of Artifact_Agentive is Organization. Artifact_Agentive is
disjoint with Agent_NonArtifactual,
the collection of all agents _not_ created by an agent.”)    (032)

(isa Agent_NonArtifactual  cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Agent_NonArtifactual Agent_PartiallyTangible)
(disjointWith  Agent_NonArtifactual Artifact_Agentive)
(comment Agent_NonArtifactual “A specialization of Agent_Generic. An
instance AGENT of Agent_Generic
is also an instance of Agent_NonArtifactual just in case AGENT is _not_ an
instance of Artifact_Generic.
Consequently, Agent_ NonArtifactual includes all "natural" agents (such as
instances of Animal).     "Supernatural" agents  are not considered in
this ontology.”)    (033)

(isa SentientAnimal cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls  SentientAnimal cyc:Animal)
(genls Sentient Animal Agent_NonArtifactual)
(genls Sentient Animal  Agent_PartiallyTangible)
(comment SentientAnimal “A specialization of Animal – the collection of
all animals which have a mind and are capable of conscious thought, or at
least are best treated as such if you have to deal with them.”)    (034)

(isa Human cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls  Human SentientAnimal)
(comment Human “A specialization of cyc:SocialBeing and IndividualAgent:
the collection of all human beings, i.e., members of the species Homo
sapiens.  Note that Human excludes non-human "legal persons", who are,
however, included in the collection LegalAgent.”)    (035)

(isa LegalAgent cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls LegalAgent Agent_Generic)
(comment LegalAgent “A specialization of cyc:SocialBeing.  Each instance
of LegalAgent is an agent who has
some status in a particular legal system.  At the very least, such an
agent is recognized by some legal
authority as having some kinds of rights and/or responsibilities as an
agent (e.g., citizens of Germany), or as
being subject to certain restrictions and penalties (e.g., a company that
has been blacklisted by the United
States of America).  Thus, instances of LegalAgent include agents that may
have property rights, may be
taxed, may have a government identification number, may be sued, may have
an address, or may buy or
sell.  Note that membership in this collection is very much dependent upon
context. In some societies, only
adult males and various kinds of state-run organizations would be included
in LegalAgent.”)    (036)

(isa HumanAdult cyc:HumanTypeByLifeStageType)
(genls  HumanAdult  Human)
(comment HumanAdult “A specialization of Human, and an instance of
cyc:HumanTypeByLifeStageType. Each instance of this collection is a person
old enough to participate as an independent, mature member of society.  In
most modern Western contexts it is assumed that anyone over 18 is an
adult.  However, in many cultures, adulthood occurs when one reaches
puberty.  Adulthood is contiguousAfter (q.v.) childhood.  Notable
specializations of this collection include AdultMaleHuman, 
AdultFemaleHuman, MiddleAgedHuman, and OldHuman.”)    (037)

(isa MaleHuman cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls  MaleHuman  Human)
(comment Hum MaleHuman anAdult “The collection of all male instances of
HomoSapiens.”)    (038)

(isa FemaleHuman cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls  FemaleHuman  Human)
(disjointWith MaleHuman FemaleHuman)
(comment FemaleHuman “The collection of all female instances of
HomoSapiens.”)    (039)

(isa HumanChild cyc:HumanTypeByLifeStageType)
(genls  HumanChild  Human)
(comment HumanChild “A specialization of  Human, and an instance of
Each instance of this collection is a human in the childhood stage of
life.  Functionally, this life stage ends
when the child begins to take responsibility for themselves, work, have
children of their own (or, at latest,
when the person's age greatly exceeds that at which most people reach
those milestones).  Generally, this
means that it spans the period from birth to teenage years.  Notable
specializations of HumanChild
include Boy and Girl.”)    (040)

(isa Boy cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls  Boy  MaleHuman)
(genls  Boy  HumanChild)
(comment Boy “The collection of male children about 18 years of age or
less. ”)    (041)

(isa Girl cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls  Girl  FemaleHuman)
(genls  Girl  HumanChild)
(disjointWith Boy Girl)
(comment Girl “The collection of female children about 18 years of age or
less. ”)    (042)

(isa ComputationalAgent cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls ComputationalAgent Artifact_Agentive)
(comment ComputationalAgent “A specialization of ComputationalAgent – the
collection of all software
agents.”)    (043)

(isa Organization cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Organization Artifact_Agentive)
(genls Organization MultiIndividualAgent)
(comment Organization ““The collection of all organizations.  Each
instance of Organization is a group of IntelligentAgents.  In each
instance of Organization, certain relationships and obligations exist
between the members of the organization, or between the organization and
its members.  Instances of Organization include both informal and legally
constituted organizations.    (044)

Each instance of Organization can undertake projects, enter into
agreements, own property, and do other
tasks characteristic of agents.  Notable specializations of Organization
include LegalGovernmentOrganization, CommercialOrganization, and
GeopoliticalEntity.”)    (045)

(isa GroupOfHumans cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls GroupOfHumans cyc:GroupOfAgents)
(genls GroupOfHumans cyc:SomethingExisting)
(relationAllInstance groupMemberType  GroupOf Humans Human)
(comment GroupOfHumans “A group of instances of Human.”)    (046)

(isa HumanFamily cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls HumanFamily Organization)
(genls HumanFamily GroupOfHumans)
(comment HumanFamily “Each instance of HumanFamily is a loose Organization
consiting of human beings
who are related to each other by birth, marriage, adoption or other social
arrangements.  Whether
someone related in a particulary way is considered ''part of the family''
likely varies depending on the
society in which the family exists, and may have a very fuzzy edge. 
Traditional families often center around
a couple, consisting of a man and a woman, and their children.  Some
cultures accept families which are
headed only by a father,  only by a mother, of by a same-gender couple. 
Relatives who are direct ancestors
or descendents are usually considered part of the core family: (great)
grandparents, grandchildren.
Depending on the culture, other people related by blood or marriage to
these core family members  may
be considered to be part of a family: aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on. 
The greater the number of
blood/marriage/adoption relation steps one individual is away from
another, the more distantly related
those individuals are and the less likely they would consider the other to
be part of their family.  Societies
differ in how closely related individuals need to be to be considered part
of the same family.  Human
families typically have a functional role in society; core members often
live together and pool resources. ”)    (047)

(isa Family_Nuclear  cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Family_Nuclear HumanFamily)
(comment Family_Nuclear  “The conventional human nuclear family consisting
of a father, a mother and their children. ”)
(relationAllInstance groupMemberType  Family_Nuclear  HumanAdultMale)
(relationAllInstance groupMemberType  Family_Nuclear  HumanAdultFemale)    (048)

(isa Family_Extended  cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Family_ Extended HumanFamily)
(comment Family_ Extended  “The conventional human extended family
consisting of a father, a mother,
their children, and other relations such as another generation or two,
siblings of the parents, or more distant cousins. ”)    (049)

(isa EthnicGroup cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls EthnicGroup GroupOfHumans)
(comment EthnicGroup  “The collection of all human ethnic groups,
including Nationalities, Religious Groups, Social Classes, Tribes, Clans,
and ''Races''.”)    (050)

(isa Nationality cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Nationality EthnicGroup)
(comment Nationality “Each instance of Nationality is the group of all
people who are citizens of some country, or who are participants in its
NationalCulture to some significant degree -- or else are instances of
StatelessPerson. ”)    (051)

(isa Tribe cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Tribe  EthnicGroup)
(genls Tribe  Organization)
(comment Tribe “A tribe is a locial organization of people who are
multiply affiliated by (some assortment of) kinship, beliefs, language,
region, and activities.“)    (052)

(isa Clan cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Clan  ExtendedFamily)
(genls Clan  EthnicGroup)
(comment Clan “A clan is a group of people who identify themselves as
united by kinshp bonds, actual or perceived.  Clans often recognize a
founding member or original ancestor.”)    (053)

(isa SocialClass cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls SocialClass EthnicGroup)
(comment SocialClass “Each instance of SocialClass is a group of people
who share a social class, as
determined by their general lifestyle, quality of life, and relative
access to the (material and security
oriented) desiderata of life.   It may depend on a cultural non-material
system of social rank, based on
birth, office, manners, vocal accent or other factors.  Instances of this
collection include LowerMiddleClass,
UpperClass, etc.“)    (054)

(isa LowerClass SocialClass)
(isa LowerMiddleClass SocialClass)
(isa MiddleLowerClass SocialClass)
(isa UpperMiddleClass SocialClass)
(isa UpperClass SocialClass)    (055)

(isa SociallyDefinedRace cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls SociallyDefinedRace EthnicGroup)
(comment SociallyDefinedRace “Each instance of SociallyDefinedRace is a
large group of people originally
defined by by common phenotypic traits.  Various countries have identified
their citizens and residents  as
being members of one of a few races.  The five traditional races
identified by those of European extraction
were the Caucasian, Negro, Mongolian, American, and Malayan races.  In
some cultures, additional ethnic groups have been defined as races, e.g.,
a ''Jewish race''.“)    (056)

(isa CaucasianRace SocialRace)
(comment  CaucasianRace “The SociallyDefinedRace of ''Caucasians'' or
''Whites'', who are generally of European, Middle Eastern, Central or
North Asian, or Indian heritage.   The skin of Caucasians is usually
deficient in melanin, although dark people from the Indian subcontinent
are usually classified as Caucasian.”)
(isa NegroRace SocialRace)
(comment  NegroRace “The SociallyDefinedRace of ''Negroes'' or ''Blacks'',
who are generally of sub-Saharan heritage, although other dark peoples,
such as Australian Aborigines  and Melanesians have
sometimes been so classified.  Dark people from the Indian subcontinent
are usually classified as Caucasian.”)
(isa MongolianRace SocialRace)
(comment  MongolianRace “The SociallyDefinedRace of ''Mongolians'' or
''Yellow'' people, who are generally of East Asian heritage.   A slanted
eye is a common trait of members of this ''race''.”)
(isa AmericanRace SocialRace)
(comment  AmericanRace “The SociallyDefinedRace of ''American Indians''
and “Eskimos”  or ''Red'' people, who are generally of American
(isa MalayanRace SocialRace)
(comment  MalayanRace “The SociallyDefinedRace of ''Maylay”  and
Polynesian  or ''Brown'' people, who are generally of Maylay Peninsula,
Indonesian, and Polynesian heritage.”)    (057)

`       Organization
        Ethnic Group
                Social Class
----------    (058)

(isa selfInterestInGroup cyc:TernaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa  selfInterestInGroup Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls  selfInterestInGroup Action)
(arg3Isa  selfInterestInGroup GroupOfAgents)
(comment  selfInterestInGroup “(selfInterestInGroup AGENT1 ACT_TYPE
GROUP1) means that the Agent_Generic, AGENT1, has an interest in members
of the GroupOfAgents, GROUP1, being the beneficiaries of actions of
(isa negativeSelfInterestInGroup cyc:TernaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa  negativeSelfInterestInGroup Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls  negativeSelfInterestInGroup Action)
(arg3Isa  negativeSelfInterestInGroup GroupOfAgents)
(comment  negativeSelfInterestInGroup “( negativeSelfInterestInGroup
AGENT1 ACT_TYPE GROUP1) means that the Agent_Generic, AGENT1, has an
interest in members of the GroupOfAgents, GROUP1, not being the
''beneficiaries'' of actions of ACT_TYPE.”)    (059)

(isa selfInterestInRelationType cyc:TernaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa  selfInterestInRelationType Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls  selfInterestInRelationType Action)
(arg3Isa  selfInterestInRelationType InterAgentRelationType)
(comment  selfInterestInRelationType “(selfInterestInGroup AGENT ACT_TYPE
RELATION_TYPE) means that the Agent_Generic, AGENT, has an interest in
other agents related to it by RELATION_TYPE being the ''beneficiaries'' of
actions of ACT_TYPE.”)
(isa negativeSelfInterestInRelationType cyc:TernaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa  negativeSelfInterestInRelationType Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls  negativeSelfInterestInRelationType Action)
(arg3Isa  negativeSelfInterestInRelationType InterAgentRelationType)
(comment  negativeSelfInterestInRelationType “(
negativeSelfInterestInRelationType AGENT ACT_TYPE
RELATION_TYPE) means that the Agent_Generic, AGENT, has an interest in
other agents related to it by
RELATION_TYPE not being the beneficiaries of actions of ACT_TYPE.”)    (060)

(isa InterAgentRelationType cyc:FirstOrderCollection)
(genls  InterAgentRelationType cyc:BinaryPredicate)
(genls cyc: FamilyRelationSlot  InterAgentRelationType)    (061)

RelationType is in the category:
                other relative relation
                clan member
                very good friend
                member of opposed group    (062)

                frat/sorority/scout group/work
----------    (063)

(isa relatives cyc:FamilyRelationSlot)
(isa relatives cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(isa relatives cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds relatives cyc:different)
(arg1Isa relatives Human)
(arg2Isa relatives Human)
(comment spouse “( relatives  PERSON1 PERSON2) means that PERSON1 and
PERSON2 are relatives of
each other.  Exactly what relationships count as relatives depend upon
context.”)    (064)

(isa spouse cyc:FamilyRelationSlot)
(isa spouse cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(isa spouse cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds spouse relatives)
(arg1Isa spouse Human)
(arg2Isa spouse Human)
(comment spouse “(spouse SPOUSE1 SPOUSE2) means that SPOUSE1 and SPOUSE2
are each other's
spouses.”)    (065)

(isa siblings cyc:FamilyRelationSlot)
(isa siblings cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(isa siblings cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds siblings relatives)
(arg1Isa siblings Human)
(arg2Isa siblings Human)
(comment siblings “( siblings SIBLING1 SIBLING2) means that SIBLING1 and
SIBLING2 are each other's
siblings.”)    (066)

(isa children cyc:FamilyRelationSlot)
(genlPreds children relatives)
(arg1Isa children Human)
(arg2Isa children Human)
(comment children “( children PARENT CHILD) means that PARENT is a parent
of CHILD.  The relationship
may be biological parenthood, adoptive parenthood, or foster parenthood. 
The relationship still obtains
even when CHILD is an adult and no longer dependent upon PARENT.  More
specific relations include biologicalChildren, sons, daughters,
fosterChildren, and adoptedChildren.”)    (067)

(isa children cyc:FamilyRelationSlot)
(genlPreds children relatives)
(arg1Isa children Human)
(arg2Isa children Human)
(comment children “( children PARENT CHILD) means that PARENT is a parent
of CHILD.  The relationship
may be biological parenthood, adoptive parenthood, or foster parenthood.”)    (068)

(isa inLaw cyc:FamilyRelationSlot)
(isa inLaw cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds inLaw relativesByMarriage)
(arg1Isa inLaw Human)
(arg2Isa inLaw Human)
(comment inLaw “(inLaw PERS1 PERS2) means that PERS1 and PERS2 are
in-laws, in the conventional
American sense.  In other words, they are relativesByMarriage, but
normally stepRelatives nor directly married (though this could be the case
in a particular situation).  Either PERS1 has married a
mother-father-sister-brother of PERS2, or PERS2 has married such a
relative of PERS1.  More specific inLaw relationships include sonInLaw,
daughterInLaw, motherInLaw, fatherInLaw, sisterInLaw, and brotherInLaw.”)    (069)

(isa friends InterAgentRelationType)
(isa friends cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds friends different)
(arg1Isa friends Human)
(arg2Isa friends Human)
(comment friends “( friends PER1 PER2) means that PER1 and PER2 are each
other's friends.”)    (070)

(isa veryCloseFriends InterAgentRelationType)
(genlPreds veryCloseFriends friends)
(arg1Isa veryCloseFriends Human)
(arg2Isa veryCloseFriends Human)
(comment veryCloseFriends “( veryCloseFriends PER1 PER2) means that PER1
and PER2 are very close
friends, perhaps best friends.”)    (071)

(isa lovers InterAgentRelationType)
(genlPreds lovers friends)
(arg1Isa lovers Human)
(arg2Isa lovers Human)
(comment lovers “( lovers PER1 PER2) means that PER1 and PER2 are friends
and lovers.”)    (072)

(isa opposesAgent  InterAgentRelationType)
(isa opposesAgent cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds opposesAgent different)
(arg1Isa opposesAgent Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa opposesAgent Agent_Generic))
(comment opposesAgent “(opposesAgent OPPOSER OPPOSEE) means that OPPOSER
opposes OPPOSEE.
Note that this does not imply that OPPOSEE opposes OPPOSER, nor even that
OPPOSEE is aware of
OPPOSER.”)    (073)

(isa opponents  InterAgentRelationType)
(isa opponents cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(isa opponents cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds opponents opposesAgent)
(genlInverse opponents opposesAgent)
(arg1Isa opponents Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa opponents Agent_Generic))
(comment opponents “(opponents AGT1 AGT2) means that AGT1 and AGT2 are
mutual opponents of
some kind.”)    (074)

(isa competitors  InterAgentRelationType)
(isa competitors cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(isa competitors cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds competitors opponents)
(arg1Isa competitors Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa competitors Agent_Generic))
(comment competitors “(competitors AGENT1 AGENT2) means that AGENT1 and
AGENT2 are competitors.”)    (075)

(isa considersAsEnemy  InterAgentRelationType)
(isa considersAsEnemy cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds considersAsEnemy opposesAgent)
(arg1Isa considersAsEnemy Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa considersAsEnemy Agent_Generic))
(comment considersAsEnemy “(considersAsEnemy AGENT1 AGENT2) means that
AGENT1 has deep enmity towards AGENT2 and is likely to take actions
against AGENT2. The feeling may be mutual, AGENT2 may
be striving for reconciliation, or AGENT2 may not even be aware of the
relationship.”)    (076)

(isa enemies  InterAgentRelationType)
(isa enemies cyc:SymmetricBinaryPredicate)
(isa enemies cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds enemies considersAsEnemy)
(genlInverse enemies considersAsEnemy)
(arg1Isa enemies Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa enemies Agent_Generic))
(comment enemies “(enemies AGENT1 AGENT2) means that AGENT1 and AGENT2
have a hostle regard
towards each other and are likely to take actions against one another
given the opportunity.”)    (077)

(isa memberOfOpposedGroup  InterAgentRelationType)
(isa memberOfOpposedGroup cyc:IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(genlPreds memberOfOpposedGroup opposes)
(arg1Isa memberOfOpposedGroup Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa memberOfOpposedGroup Agent_Generic))
(comment memberOfOpposedGroup “(memberOfOpposedGroup AGENT1 AGENT2) means
that AGENT2 is a member of a group which AGENT1 opposes.”)    (078)

Other types of agent to which empathy might be preferentially shown.
        Unfortunate person
                famine victim
                disaster victim
                war victim
                ill person
                unemployed person
                repressed person
                punished person
                        jailed person
----------    (079)

(isa UnfortunatePerson cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls UnfortunatePerson Human)
(comment UnfortunatePerson “The collection of people who are in some
unfortunate circumstance such as being ill, unemployed, punished,
repressed, or a victim of famine, war, or other disaster.  The members of
this collection are quite context dependent.”)    (080)

(isa FamineVictim cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls FamineVictim  UnfortunatePerson)
(comment FamineVictim “The collection of people who are current or
recovering victims of famine.”)    (081)

(isa WarVictim cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls WarVictim  UnfortunatePerson)
(comment WarVictim “The collection of people who are current or recovering
victims of war.”)    (082)

(isa Refugee cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Refugee  UnfortunatePerson)
(comment Refugee “The collection of people who are current or recent
refugees or internally displaced
persons.”)    (083)

(isa UnemployedPerson cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls UnemployedPerson  UnfortunatePerson)
(comment UnemployedPerson “A collection of persons.  Each instance of
UnemployedPerson is a worker
who is unemployed.  An unemployed worker is someone who either has worked
previously and could still
do so (if s/he had a job), or someone who is qualified to work (e.g., a
recent graduate) but has not yet
worked.”)    (084)

(isa RepressedPerson cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls RepressedPerson  UnfortunatePerson)
(comment RepressedPerson “The collection of people who are repressed by a
larger authority, be it
government, r Peligious body, clan, family, etc.”)    (085)

(isa PunishedPerson cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls PunishedPerson  UnfortunatePerson)
(comment PunishedPerson “The collection of people who are punished by a
larger authority, be it
government, religious body, clan, family, etc. ”)    (086)

(isa Prisoner-Legal cyc:ExistingObjectType)
(genls Prisoner-Legal  PunishedPerson )
(comment Prisoner-Legal  “The collection of people who are imprisoned by a
judge or other court
action. ”)    (087)

(isa owns IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa owns SocialBeing)
(arg2Isa owns cyc:ExistingThing)
(comment owns “A predicate that relates SocialBeings to things that they
own. (owns AGENT OBJECT) means that AGENT has full ownership of OBJECT. 
Thus, AGENT enjoys FullUseRights (q.v.) over OBJECT. OBJECT might be a
physical artifact, a parcel of land, an animal, a piece of "intellectual
property", or anything else that can be owned.  Note that, although
ownership often involves control, owns is not a specialization of
controls, as there are many exceptions.  For example, when the owner of a
building leases it to someone, the former gives up almost all control over
the buiding for the term of the lease.”)    (088)

(isa ownsFarmAnimal IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa ownsFarmAnimal Person)
(arg2Isa ownsFarmAnimal cyc:DomesticAnimal)
(comment ownsFarmAnimal “A predicate that relates People to farm animals
that they own.”)    (089)

(isa pets IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa pets Person)
(arg2Isa pets cyc:DomesticAnimal)
(comment pets “A predicate that relates People to pets that they have. 
(pets PERSON PET) means that PET is one of PERSON's pets.  If a family has
a pet, the relation ''pets'' normally relates each cohabitant member of
the family to the animal, so (pets PERSON PET) does not imply (owns PERSON
PET).”)    (090)

The next three sets of terms have not yet been ontologized.
                own farm animal
                farm animal
                wild animal
                        endangered animal
                sentient animal
                old growth plant
                ancient plant
                endangered plant
                plant on maintains/cares for
        Non-living object
                historical object
                object with ethnological value
                valuable object
                object with sentimental value    (091)

Types of benefit
        Physiological need
----------    (092)

(isa needs_Generic IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa needs_Generic Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa needs_Generic cyc:Thing)
(comment needs_Generic “This is a generic "needs" predicate that
generalizes over a fairly diverse range of predicates having to do with an
agent's needing something in order to attain some goal or other.  In most
cases, one of these more specialized predicates should be used instead of
needs_Generic itself.  The sense of "needs" intended here includes
everything from moderate practical convenience to matters of life and
death, so as to cover all sorts of situations in which one might say that
"So-and-so _needs_ such-and-such", where this need is currently
unfulfilled (e.g. the agent So-and-so does not, at least yet, have the
thing – or type of thing -- such-and-such).  (needs_Generic AGENT THING)
means that AGENT has a need with respect to THING, where AGENT's
satisfying that need is -- given AGENT's current circumstances --
practically necessary for AGENT's achieving or furthering some goal (see
goals) that s/he has. By "practically necessary" we mean that, if this
need of AGENT's goes unsatisfied, then AGENT is unlikely to achieve or
further that goal, at least not without being significantly delayed or
otherwise inconvenienced.  For example, suppose I am in the habit of
driving several miles to work each morning in my (only) car.  Given those
circumstances, I might well say that I need my car to get to work
tomorrow.  Now, if I were unexpectedly to be denied access to my car
tomorrow (e.g. if it were stolen overnight), I could probably still make
it to work (by taking a bus, walking, or whatever), but getting there
would involve extra hassling and take longer than usual.  Of course, it's
_conceivable_ that a Good Samaritan might happen by and kindly offer to
drive me directly to work; but the likelihood of something like that
occurring is poor.  Thus, all things considered, the claim that -- in a
practical, everyday sense of "need" -- I need my car to get to work
tomorrow seems legitimate.  Second example: Suppose I've just ingested a
fatal dose of poison X, whose only (known or unknown) antedote is
substance Y.  I need a dose of antedote Y (to further my goal of
continuing to live); if I don't get it I'll die – period.  It is this
broad sense of the word "need" -- ranging from moderate practical
convenience to requirements for something's continued existence -- that
the various specializations of needs_Generic (each with respect to its own
particular domain of application) are intended to represent. See also
needsFor and satisfiesNeed.”)    (093)

(isa needsThing IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa needsThing Agent_Generic)
(arg2Isa needsThing cyc:SomethingExisting)
(genlPreds needsThing needs_Generic)
(comment needsThing “This predicate relates agents to individual things
they need to obtain or possess in order to achieve or futher some
(unspecified) goal. (needsThing AGENT OBJECT) means that AGENT needs
OBJECT.  The intended sense of `needs' includes everything from matters of
practical convenience to matters of life and death; see the comment on
needs_Generic for a fuller account.  The most common cases are ones where
OBJECT is some (partially) tangible object, such as a person or a tool;
but OBJECT might arguably be intangible (i.e. non-spatial), such as when a
chef needs a certain Recipe.  What AGENT needs OBJECT for (i.e. what goal
of hers will it further) and what will happen to AGENT if she fails to
obtain OBJECT (e.g. whether she will die, suffer an important loss, or
just be noticeably inconvenienced or disappointed) are left unspecified in
the above formula, though in practice they might be inferable from other
assertions in the context (see e.g. needsFor).  Note that needs has to do
with a relatively "objective" requirement of AGENT's for OBJECT, and does
not entail a corresponding "felt need" on the part of AGENT.  A felt need
is perhaps best represented as an assertion that a given agent both knows
that s/he objectively needs a certain thing and desires that s/he obtain
or possess that thing. needs does imply, however, that AGENT is at least
awareOf OBJECT.  See also needs_Type, needs_Prop, needsToDo, and
satisfiesNeed.”)    (094)

(isa needs_Type IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa needs_Type Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls needs_Type cyc:SomethingExisting)
(genlPreds needs_Type needs_Generic)
(comment needs_Type “This predicate relates an agent to a type of object
an instance of which s/he needs to obtain or possess in order to achieve
or further some (unspecified) goal (as in ''Pam needs a computer'').  The
intended sense of ''needs'' here is broad, ranging from matters of
practical convenience to matters of life and death; see the comment on
needs_Generic for a fuller account.  (needs_Type AGENT OBJTYPE) means that
AGENT needs an instance of OBJTYPE.  The default assumption is that there
is no one particular instance needed: any instance of OBJTYPE will do. 
(If there were a _particular_ computer that Pam needed, we could represent
this using needsThing (q.v.) to relate her to that computer directly.) 
What AGENT needs an OBJTYPE for (i.e. what goal of hers it would further)
and what will happen to AGENT if she fails to obtain one (e.g. whether she
will die, suffer an important loss, or just be noticeably inconvenienced)
are left unspecified  by this predicate, though in practice they might be
inferable from other assertions in the context (see, e.g., needsFor). 
Note that needs_Type has to do with an ''objective'' requirement of
AGENT's for an OBJTYPE, and does not entail a corresponding ''felt need''
on the part of AGENT.  A felt need of this sort is perhaps best
represented as an assertion that a given agent both knows that s/he
objectively needs_Type a certain type of thing and desires that s/he
obtain or possess such a thing.  needs_Type does imply, though, that AGENT
is at least aware of OBJTYPEs in general.  See also needs_Prop, needsToDo,
and satisfiesNeed.”)    (095)

(isa needsToDo IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa needsToDo Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls needsToDo cyc:Action)
(genlPreds needsToDo needs_Generic)
(comment needsToDo “This predicate relates an agent to a type of event
s/he needs to do in order to achieve or further some (unspecified) goal 
(as in ''Pam needs to buy some groceries'').  The intended sense of 
'needs' includes, but is not limited to, matters of life and death; see
the comment on needs_Generic for a fuller account. (needsToDo AGENT
EVENTTYPE) means that AGENT needs to fill the doneBy actor slot (or some
specialization thereof) with respect  to an (indeterminate, future)
instance of EVENTTYPE.  Calling the  instance ''indeterminate'' reflects
an assumption that there is no  one particular instance of EVENTTYPE such
that AGENT needs to do _it_.   (To assume otherwise would be highly
dubious.  For it is far from  obvious that there is any meaningful sense
in which future events  exist in the present; and even if they do, should
AGENT's need go  unfulfilled there might not even be any _future_ instance
of  EVENTTYPE that could be the one that she needed to do.)  Rather, 
AGENT's need could be satisfied by her being the ''doer'' in some future
instance of EVENTTYPE, modulo whatever practical constraints  are imposed
on AGENT by her circumstances.  (E.g. Pam must buy those  groceries within
the next few days or it will be too late.)  What  AGENT needs to do an
EVENTTYPE for (i.e. what goal of hers it would  further) and what will
happen to AGENT if she fails to do so  (e.g. whether she will die, suffer
an important loss, or just be  noticeably inconvenienced) are left
unspecified in the above formula,  though in practice they might be
inferable from other assertions in  the context (see e.g. needsFor).  Note
that, as with the other  specializations of needs_Generic, needsToDo has
to do with a  more-or-less ''objective'' requirement of AGENT's to do an
EVENTTYPE,  and does not entail a corresponding felt need on the part of
AGENT.   (E.g. Pam herself might not realize that her cupboards are bare.)
  A felt need of this sort is perhaps best represented as an assertion 
that a given agent both knows that s/he objectively  needsToDo a  certain
type of action and desires to do so.”)    (096)

(isa physiologicalNeed IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate)
(arg1Isa physiologicalNeed Agent_Generic)
(arg2Genls physiologicalNeed cyc:TemporalThing)
(genlPreds physiologicalNeed needs_Generic)
(comment physiologicalNeed “This predicate relates an agent to a type of
object or action s/he needs (to do) in order to live.  A person has a
physiological need to breathe, eat, drink, and sleep and a physiological
need for air, food, water, and  in most climates at various times shelter
and clothing.  Although not necessary for life, sex is a deep
psychological need for many and (traditionally) a physical necessity for
propagation.”)    (097)

(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:Breathing)
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:Air)
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:EatingEvent)
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:Food)
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:DrinkingEvent)
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:Drink)    (098)

; default true:
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human Shelter)
(relationAllInstance physiologicalNeed Human cyc:SexualActivity)    (099)

Physiological need
                air (breathing)
                food (eating)
                water (drinking)
                clothing    (0100)

The rest of these terms have not yest been ontologized.
        safety/security (of ...
                safety net
                sexual intimacy
                social group
                        professional org.
                employment situation
                ethnic group
                respect by others
                        respect of others
                        sense of contribution
health improvement
                romantic relationship
                social power
                problem solving
                lack of prejudice
                acceptance of facts
        engaging in enjoyable activity
        avoidance actions
        promotional actions    (0101)

Disfunctional states
        Stockholm syndrome
        inferiority complex
        family violence
        post-traumatic stress disorder
        social anxiety
        helplessness    (0102)

---------------------------------------------------------------    (0103)

doug foxvog    doug@xxxxxxxxxx   http://ProgressiveAustin.org    (0104)

"I speak as an American to the leaders of my own nation. The great
initiative in this war is ours. The initiative to stop it must be ours."
    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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