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Re: [ontolog-forum] CL, CG, IKL and the relationship between symbols in

To: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 19:20:17 -0800
Message-id: <p0623091bc3a200e9d2e1@[]>
>I'm going to take a crack at this too..
>On 12/31/07 6:42 PM, "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>  Yes.  That is why I use the word 'context' in a very precise
>>  way:  a context is a box (or other enclosure) that delimits
>>  some statement or conjunction of statements that make some
>>  assertion about the many different kinds of things that people
>>  have called contexts.
>Context is a set    (01)

You are speaking in the singular. Do you mean to 
imply that that is a single thing called 
"context" which is a *particular* set?    (02)

>of zero or more qualifiers    (03)

What is a 'qualifier'?    (04)

>that affect various aspects of
>the semantics of a given statement.    (05)

Of the semantics or of the meaning?    (06)

>  Different context qualifiers can impact
>one or more aspects of the semantics of such statements including
>representation terms and concepts.
>A glass of water    (07)

What is this an example of? Is the glass of water 
the topic of an ontology, or an example of a 
representation of something?    (08)

>Context one:
>Glass of water is sitting on your kitchen table.  To the average Western
>observer, it is quite in it's place in this context and is not raised in
>one's internal tuple stores.    (09)

?? What internal tuple stores are you talking 
about? I very much doubt if my brain works using 
RDF. And what does 'raise' mean?    (010)

>Concept:  water, two molecules of hydrogen bound to one of oxygen in a glass
>Dangerous: possibly
>State: liquid
>Use: quenching thirst
>Mass: about 200 grams
>Context two:
>You are driving down the road in sub zero weather and the same glass of
>water is in the middle of the road.    (011)

No, it isn't. Not the SAME glass of water. OK, 
these are two different circumstances, and if 
fully described in an ontological formalism would 
have very different descriptions. But what his 
this fact to do with contexts? Ontologies aren't 
living in the world like we are, driving cars and 
drinking glasses of water. Living in a changing 
world raises a host of new issues that go beyond 
ontology engineering. This kind of difference you 
describe here is more relevant to KR in AI than 
to ontology engineering.    (012)

Here's a quick way to say the difference between 
OE and AI. In many AI applications, a reasoner is 
living IN a changing world, one that it needs to 
perceive and act in. In OE applications, the job 
of the ontology is to DESCRIBE possibly-changing 
worlds, but not to live IN them.    (013)

>   Since it represents a hazard for your
>vehicle, you raise it to the highest layers of consciousness in your
>internal tuple stores and give it active attention.    (014)

Ah, this is what 'raise' means? OK, but what has 
this to do with ontologies? AFAIK, the notion of 
attention simply doesn't arise in mechanical 
reasoning.    (015)

>Concept: same as above
>Dangerous: yes
>state: solid
>Mass: at 100 kph, possibly as high as 4 kg.
>I am not sure if this really conveys what my meaning of context is however
>it might be something to aggregate to the holding pen of a context
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