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Re: [ontolog-forum] CL, CG, IKL and the relationship between symbols in

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 10:29:36 -0800
Message-id: <C3A11810.AA1E%dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
That is one of the reasons why I had doubts.    (01)

IKL, CL, CG as well as SUMO, DOLCE seem to have mechanisms to capture some
of this however I have failed to clarify the nature of context as I wanted.    (02)

Would make an interesting ontolog session sometimes in 2008.  Maybe Peter
can schedule a call.    (03)

D    (04)

On 1/2/08 10:26 AM, "Francis McCabe" <frankmccabe@xxxxxxx> wrote:    (05)

> Duane
>   I think that these may be fine examples of context in an informal
> way. What, I believe, Pat and co. are doing with IKL is to say that it
> is hard to come up with a consistent logic of contexts. On the other
> hand, IKL allows you to axiomatize whatever notion of context you want
> to.
> Frank
> On Jan 2, 2008, at 10:18 AM, Duane Nickull wrote:
>> After posting this, I am not happy I accurately conveyed what I
>> wanted to
>> say.
>> /d
>> On 1/2/08 10:13 AM, "Duane Nickull" <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> I'm going to take a crack at this too..
>>> On 12/31/07 6:42 PM, "John F. Sowa" <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> Yes.  That is why I use the word 'context' in a very precise
>>>> way:  a context is a box (or other enclosure) that delimits
>>>> some statement or conjunction of statements that make some
>>>> assertion about the many different kinds of things that people
>>>> have called contexts.
>>> Context is a set of zero or more qualifiers that affect various
>>> aspects of
>>> the semantics of a given statement.  Different context qualifiers
>>> can impact
>>> one or more aspects of the semantics of such statements including
>>> representation terms and concepts.
>>> Example:
>>> A glass of water
>>> Context one:
>>> Glass of water is sitting on your kitchen table.  To the average
>>> Western
>>> observer, it is quite in it's place in this context and is not
>>> raised in
>>> one's internal tuple stores.
>>> Concept:  water, two molecules of hydrogen bound to one of oxygen
>>> in a glass
>>> container.
>>> Dangerous: possibly
>>> State: liquid
>>> Use: quenching thirst
>>> Mass: about 200 grams
>>> Context two:
>>> You are driving down the road in sub zero weather and the same
>>> glass of
>>> water is in the middle of the road.  Since it represents a hazard
>>> for your
>>> vehicle, you raise it to the highest layers of consciousness in your
>>> internal tuple stores and give it active attention.
>>> Concept: same as above
>>> Dangerous: yes
>>> state: solid
>>> Mass: at 100 kph, possibly as high as 4 kg.
>>> I am not sure if this really conveys what my meaning of context is
>>> however
>>> it might be something to aggregate to the holding pen of a context
>>> definition.
>>> Duane
>> -- 
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"Speaking only for myself"
Senior Technical Evangelist - Adobe Systems, Inc.
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Adobe MAX 2008 - http://technoracle.blogspot.com/2007/08/adobe-max-2008.html
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