Included in the review of a book that John cited about Aristotle's comments on
women (or females of any species): Bryn Mawr Classical
Review 2004.09.19 (01)
was this: (02)
"Drawing on an article by Charles Kahn, M. formulates a two-fold
"test for ideological rationalization" to evaluate not just if the claim
a thinker makes is mistaken but if that error can be attributed to his or
her ideological blinders.3 To justify that an assertion is an
ideological rationalization, M. claims that it must be proven that first,
the assertion justifies the interest of one group at the expense of
another (in the case of M.'s topic, that Aristotle's account of the female
justifies the interests of men at the expense of women), and second,
that either the claim rests on arbitrary assumptions and unusually bad
reasoning or the claim contradicts other fundamental principles held by
Aristotle (M. 7- 11)." (03)
It struck me that these times could use well thought out tests of cliams that
might be based on " ideological rationalization". The 2 cites
in the section certainly are a useful start, although firming up
criteria/evidence for "at the expense of others" and "arbitray assumptions"
leads into higher order debates. (04)
Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP)
Executive Secretariat
Semantic Technology
Suite 350 455 Spring park Place
Herndon VA 20170
703-742-0585 (05)
Reference 3. is C. Kahn, "Comments on Schofield," in G. Patzig, ed.,
Aristoteles Politik: Acten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum (Göttingen:
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht), pp. 28-31. Mayhew's also acknowledges his debt to
Schofield's "Ideology and Philosophy in Aristotle's Theory of Slavery" (in
Aristoteles Politik, pp. 1-28), in which Schofield pursued an analogous
examination of Aristotle's theory of slavery to see if it was liable to the
charges of ideological motivation (see M. 2). (06)
-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of John F. Sowa
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2007 12:29 AM
To: [ontolog-forum]
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] electric sheep (07)
Wacek, (08)
> Some progress has been made, though. Aristotle claimed
> -- according to Russell, as far as I know -- that women
> have fewer teeth than men. (09)
Following is a review of a book about Aristotle's comments
on women (or females of any species): (010)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.09.19 (011)
I would guess that he actually did the test, but the man he
examined happened to have fully developed wisdom teeth, but
the woman didn't. (012)
You can find lots of very good examples as well as those
"howlers" in Aristotle's writings. Among the better ones
is his conclusion that sponges are animals, not plants. (013)
An excellent example of experimental method is his study of
embryos -- by starting with 30 chicken eggs, breaking open
one each day, and describing how the embryo develops. (014)
In any case, the primary role of philosophy is not to
accumulate facts and theories, as in science, but to develop
methods of conceptual analysis. For that purpose, it's hard
to find more instructive examples than the writings of Plato
and Aristotle. (015)
But the distinction between philosophy and the empirical sciences
wasn't clearly distinguished until the 19th century. Even Kant had
lectured on Newtonian mechanics, and one of Kant's contributions
was the hypothesis that the planets developed from a cloud of dust
around the sun. (016)
John (017)
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