Henry, (01)
We provide a threaded discussion archives to this forum at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/ (02)
To ensure a discussion thread is maintained, one would need to "reply'
to a message (rather than to the digest.) (03)
Therefore, please re-configure yourself for normal delivery into inbox
mode (rather than the 'digest' mode) so that we can keep the
discussions threaded. (04)
Thanks you. =ppy (05)
Peter Yim
Co-convener, ONTOLOG (06)
P.S. please feel free to email me offline if you have any question. =ppy
-- (07)
On 11/6/07, H.M. Gladney <hgladney@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The referenced e-mail included, "… the facts of the observable world are
> understood according to the theory that binds them."
> Immanuel Kant, and many later famous philosophers, taught this. Read The
> Critique of Pure Reason.
> Cheerio, Henry
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