Peter, (01)
On Tuesday 06 November 2007 07:01, Peter Yim wrote:
> Henry,
> We provide a threaded discussion archives to this forum at:
> To ensure a discussion thread is maintained, one would need to
> "reply' to a message (rather than to the digest.) (02)
Conversely, correspondents must refrain from using "reply" to start new
topics (referred to as "thread hijacking" in some circles). Furthermore
their email client (the MUA) must support the standard In-Reply-To
header, lest others' mail clients be forced to use the unreliable
method of constructing threads based on the content of the Subject
header. (03)
Sadly, one the most popular email clients extant is remiss in
implementing this standard. (04)
I would wholeheartedly support banning non-compliant mail clients in
this (and all) email forums. (05)
Yeah. It's a pet peeve of mine... (06)
> ...
> Thanks you. =ppy
> Peter Yim
> Co-convener, ONTOLOG (07)
Randall Schulz (08)
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