Let the discussion be continued off-line. (01)
Avril (02)
Lainaus Ingvar Johansson <ingvar.johansson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: (03)
> Avril Styrman schrieb:
> > Ingvar wrote:
> >
> >> 2. Armstrong thinks that there are no determinables, only
> determinates;
> >> I think both are needed in order to make sense of mathematical
> physics.
> >> That is, determinates (quantity values) exist only as
> >> determinates-of-a-determinable (determinable = quantity dimension).
> >>
> >
> > And this partly overlaps with your first point.
> No, the problem (i) whether it is possible to reduce determinable
> properties to determinate properties is (at least to my mind) quite
> distinct from the problem (ii) whether it is possible to reduce
> substance universals to property universals. Neither is it identical
> with (iii) the problem below of how to individuate instances of property
> determinates. Any reduction of determinable properties (such as length,
> mass, and electric charge) to determinate properties (such as 2.03 m
> long, 5.67 kg mass, and 7.12 coulomb electric charge) must be able to
> explain why it makes sense to add determinate lengths (or masses, or
> electric charges) to each other, and why it does not make sense to add
> determinates of different determinables (quantity dimensions) to each
> other. Examples: 2.03 m + 5.67 m + 7.12 m = 14.82 m; 2.03 kg + 5.67 kg +
> 7.12 kg = 14.82 kg; and 2.03 c + 5.67 c + 7.12 c = 14.82 c. But: 2.03 m
> + 5.67 kg + 7.12 c = 14.82 ???
> > The problems with e.g. an
> > absolutely determinate shade of red are clear. Consider that you have a
> red
> > car. The door of the car is red, but still there must be some
> variation,
> >
> Yes, but it must be a variation of the same determinable: *perceived*
> color (which should be kept distinct from color in the sense of
> frequency of electromagnetic radiation).
> > even though very little, in the shades of red of different parts of
> the
> > door. Just how small can be the smallest possible coloured part?
> As small as the smallest colored part that you are able to perceive, I
> would say.
> Best,
> Ingvar
> (04)
Always forward towards the supreme maxim of scientific philosophizing (05)
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