Ingvar Johansson schrieb:
> paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx schrieb:
>> I cant resist a good provocation....!
>> I would be interested in how you came to such categorical conclusion
>> Obviously there isn't a God (my own
>> view is the very idea of God embedded in
>> Christianity/Judaism/Islam is incoherent), so the
>> fact that so many people believe there is, is
>> something that needs to be explained.
> Nor can I. Here are two well known and since long discussed incoherencies:
> (a) God is omniscient, omnipotent, and, so to speak, omnigood.
> Nonetheless, incredibly cruel and evil things take place on Earth every day.
> (b) God is omniscient, but he has given human beings a free will so he
> cannot predict how we will act.
> (01)
No one has so far commented on my mail, but since I will soon leave my
computer I will now comment on it myself. (02)
Intellectually, there is an easy solution to both the incoherencies
above. One has merely to say that *before* God created man he was
omniscient and omnipotent, but that *after* this creation he is, becasue
of the free will of human beings, no longer so. However, I guess it is
emotionally disturbing for believers in God to believe that in fact he
is not truly almighty, and that this is the reason why theologians have
not chosen this solution. (03)
Ingvar J (04)
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