Wacek, (01)
There is no such abstract eternal thing called Logic
any more than there is an abstract eternal thing called
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Mathematics. (02)
The subject matter of any those fields evolved quite
simply from a systematic analysis of common sense
observations and experience. Each of those subjects
addresses a particular kind of question: (03)
Physics -- how do things in the world interact? (04)
Chemistry -- what are the kinds of stuff that make up
the world and how do they combine with one another. (05)
Biology -- what are the kinds of living things and
how do they grow, live, and reproduce? (06)
Mathematics -- what are the relationships among numbers
and geometrical shapes and how can we determine them? (07)
Logic -- what kinds of reasoning are there and how can
we distinguish sound methods from fallacious methods? (08)
There is nothing mysterious or sacred about any of these
subjects. They are just systematic analyses of what most
people learn something about through everyday life. (09)
That's all. (010)
John (011)
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