Ingvar Johansson wrote:
> Waclaw Kusnierczyk schrieb:
>> yes, i agree with all of this. theories in physics, chemistry,
>> mathematics, and logic follow inductively from observations. that's
>> all. anyone has the right to believe that any of those theories
>> correctly describes the true nature of the reality.
> We are not discussing human rights, are we? (01)
No, perhaps not yet, and hopefully not here, unless an ontology off
human rights is of interest. (02)
The question is, I take it,
> whether or not you think that observations in the natural sciences have
> some kind of connection to a mind-indpendent reality. (03)
For all we believe is known, it seems reasonable to believe that
observations in the natural sciences are tightly connected to the
mind-independent reality: they are observations of the reality. The
reality conditions the observations. (04)
Do you? Why do you
> write "that's all", as if a theory's relation to observations is of no
> special importance? (05)
Of course it is, as is the relation between the observations and the
observed. But that my or your observations of the reality are indeed
observations of the reality is some sort of theory in itself. 'That is
all' was to say, more or less, that we have to base any inference about
what and how there is on some belief. (06)
vQ (07)
> Ingvar
>> vQ
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Wacek Kusnierczyk (09)
Department of Information and Computer Science (IDI)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
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