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RE: [ontolog] ontology tools and an ontology repository?

To: "'ontolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <ontolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Rudnicki Joseph G CONT NSSC <RudnickiJG@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 10:44:48 -0500
Message-id: <522441CAEF93D511913500508BE32CA705EB42D8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello,    (01)

1 a) Maybe
1 b) No
1 c) You may want to consider having a tool hints/help/advise section in
addition to 1 a) and/or b).    (02)

2 a) Have used ORM (listed under Visio at
http://www.xml.com/pub/a/2002/11/06/ontologies.html). I have always liked
it. VisioModeler uses ORM and is available unsupported at
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/release.asp?ReleaseID=27489 . The
supported version of ORM is in Visio Enterprise (see
m.asp) as part of Visual Studio .NET  Enterprise Architect Edition. Visual
Studio .NET Enterprise Architect cost about $2.5K. To my knowledge, none of
these tools are Web enabled. ORM has tended to be used to develop relational
databases even though constraints, etc. are often lost in the process or
have to be implemented procedurally.
2 b) No    (03)

3 May be too many languages available to make a choice. You probably have to
let the market decide.    (04)

4 No    (05)

Take care.    (06)

Joe Rudnicki    (07)

-----Original Message-----
From: Leo Obrst [mailto:lobrst@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:20 AM
To: Ontolog-forums-cim3-net
Subject: [ontolog] ontology tools and an ontology repository?    (08)

All,    (09)

We are considering one possibility for our site: an ontology repository,
wherein folks can register ontologies and/or build ontologies using
Web-enabled tools, possibly hosted at our site.    (010)

So some questions:
1) How do you feel about:
    a) our site supporting an ontology repository?
    b) our site supporting a Web-enabled ontology tool (for developing
    c) none of the above.    (011)

2) Which ontology tools do you use?
   a) Can you characterize the tools: i.e., Web-enabled, ontology
languages supported, cost/licensing, POCs, experience, etc.
   b) Do you know of a tool provider who might support such a public
effort, hosted on our site?    (012)

3) Which ontology languages (knowledge representation languages) should
be the standard(s) for the ontologies?
   (Some examples: Ontolingua/KIF, Common Logic, OKBC, CycL, RDF/S,
DAML+OIL, OWL, etc.)    (013)

4) Additional Comments?    (014)

Leo    (015)

Dr. Leo Obrst  The MITRE Corporation
mailto:lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Intelligent Information Management/Exploitation
Voice: 703-883-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S W640
Fax: 703-883-1379       McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA    (016)

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