I would like comment on B -which perhaps does not make sense without the
word and implied mechanism of input or "storage". Does the verb
"persist" imply storage? (01)
Thanks. (02)
Ravi (03)
(Dr. Ravi Sharma) Senior Enterprise Architect (04)
Vangent, Inc. Technology Excellence Center (TEC) (05)
8618 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 310, Vienna VA 22182
(o) 703-827-0638, (c) 313-204-1740 (06)
-----Original Message-----
From: oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Baclawski
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 5:44 PM
To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion
Subject: Re: [oor-forum] Defining "Ontology Repository" (maybe
"OntologyRegistry" too) for the OOR Initiative (07)
(A) (08)
-- Ken (09)
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008, Peter Yim wrote: (010)
> We now have two candidate definitions to adopt:
> * Candidate-(A): the definition of "ontology repository" for the OOR
> "An ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and related
> information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed."
> * Candidate-(B): the definition of "ontology repository" and "ontology
> registry" for the OOR initiative
> "An ontology repository is a facility or facilities where ontology
> related artifacts may be persisted and retrieved."
> and,
> "An ontology registry is where metadata can be declared governing
> the storage, semantics, ownership and access policies for artifacts
> persisted in the ontology repository."
> ALL: please cast your vote by replying to this thread and indicate
> (A), (B) or "abstain." Voting closes at 8:30am PST / 11:30am EST /
> 16:30 UTC on Thu 2008.02.07
> Thanks & regards. =ppy
> P.S. Rex and Ken, please cast your vote again, sorry. =ppy
> --
> On Feb 5, 2008 5:35 AM, <dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Correct.
>> Best regards,
>> Denise
> On Feb 5, 2008 4:05 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Thank you, Denise. I assume that is for Duane's motion he made in:
>> Duane Nickull wrote Feb 4, 2008 10:32 AM PST,
>> //
>> Motion made to adopt these definitions instead:
>> 1. An Ontology repository is a facility or facilities where ontology
>> artifacts may be persisted and retrieved.
>> 2. An Ontology Registry is where metadata can be declared governing
>> storage, semantics, ownership and access policies for artifacts
persisted in
>> the ontology repository.
>> //
>> (please let us know otherwise.)
>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>> P.S. since I have other commitments today, I will not be able to
make a
>> post (about the next step in the process) right after the previously
>> discussed cut-off time for submitting new candidate definitions, but
>> only be able to post about that later in the day. That cut-off time
is still
>> in effect, though (since no one objected yesterday.) Please note.
Tx. =ppy
>> --
>> On Feb 5, 2008 3:41 AM, <dbedford@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> All,
>>> I second Duane's motion so we can move forward to vote.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Denise
> On Feb 4, 2008 2:53 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> All,
>> As mentioned previously, I was hoping we could summarily adopt the
>> motion that has been outstanding so we could move ahead with the
>> initiative and do something concrete.
>> I am equally as happy that there are some last minute input, but hope
>> we can wrap this up soon enough, to be fair to those who had
>> spend time at the meeting to discuss the subject matter, and voiced
>> their opinion within the time set aside for discussion.
>> Unless there are objections, let us try to close this (the discussion
>> and possible new motions) and line up all the motion(s) (included
>> seconded ones) for a vote by 8:16am PST / 11:16am EST / 16:16 UTC
>> tomorrow 2008.02.05 (i.e. 1-day after we originally meant to start
>> voting.)
>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>> P.S. by the way, there is still only one motion out there, stiil.
>> --
>> On Feb 4, 2008 10:32 AM, Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Motion made to adopt these definitions instead:
>>> 1. An Ontology repository is a facility or facilities where ontology
>>> artifacts may be persisted and retrieved.
>>> 2. An Ontology Registry is where metadata can be declared governing
>>> storage, semantics, ownership and access policies for artifacts
persisted in
>>> the ontology repository.
>>> Any seconders?
>>> Duane
>> On Feb 4, 2008 9:06 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Denise and Duane,
>>> I appreciate your new input.
>>> Since we have moved beyond the debate/discussion window[1], and your
>>> proposals are clear enough to not require much further discourse,
>>> I suggest you each make a formal motion, and get a second to your
>>> proposed definition, and we move forward from there (and have people
>>> vote on them.)
>>> [1] ref.
>>> &
>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>> --
>>> On Feb 4, 2008 8:16 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> All,
>>>> Since we have not received alternate candidates, there is only one
>>>> candidate definition put forth, by the attendees of the 23-Jan-2008
>>>> OOR Founding Members meeting, for "Ontology Repository," which
>>>> "An ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and
>>>> information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed."
>>>> We will open this up for voting (please do so by responding to this
>>>> thread) in the next 48 hours (two working-days.)
>>>> Let us try to get general consent and summarily adopt this if we
>>>> ... If we do not receive two (2) or more objections to adopting
>>>> above, we will summarily adopt this definition for the
>>>> OpenOntologyRepository (OOR) initiative. If there are two (2) or
>>>> people objecting to the adoption, we will put it to a vote, and
>>>> require a two-third majority (given it's importance) to adopt this
>>>> definition.
>>>> (While declaring positive support is always welcomed, if you are
>>>> raising an "objection" you do not necessarily have to cast your
>>>> of support at this point.)
>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>> P.S. since we are doing this for the first time here, any
>>>> comments/suggestions on the process is also welcomed. I am just
>>>> by what we usually do at ONTOLOG. =ppy
>>>> --
>>>> On Feb 4, 2008 7:29 AM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, ...[snip]...
>>>>> Focusing on the subject matter (i.e. trying to get a (set of)
definition adopted), do we have:
>>>>> (a) alternate candidate definition(s) that anyone else want to put
forth for "Ontology Repository" ?
>>>>> (b) any other definitions one may want to propose for adoption
together with "Ontology Repository" (maybe "OntologyRegistry" ?) as a
>>>>> Please bring it up now (and quickly, along with someone to second
the motion). We will be putting the whole subject matter to a vote in 20
>>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>>> --
>>>>> On Feb 4, 2008 1:43 AM, Dennis Nicholson
<d.m.nicholson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> ...[snip]...
>>>>>> I'm sending this to you for information ...[snip]...
>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Dennis Nicholson
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>> [mailto:oor-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peter
>>>>>> Sent: 01 February 2008 15:48
>>>>>> To: OpenOntologyRepository-discussion
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [oor-forum] Defining "Ontology Repository" (maybe
>>>>>> "OntologyRegistry" too) for the OOR Initiative
>>>>>> Folks,
>>>>>> The seven days we set aside for discussion has come and gone, and
16 or so
>>>>>> exchanges were made on the subject matter. It is about time to
bring this to
>>>>>> closure.
>>>>>> So far we still have only one (well formed) proposed candidate
for our
>>>>>> definition of "Ontology Repository," and that is:
>>>>>> Candidate-(A): "An ontology repository is a facility where
>>>>>> ontologies and related information artifacts can be stored,
retrieved and
>>>>>> managed."
>>>>>> I'll wait 3 calendar days for anyone to propose and second other
>>>>>> Past this time next Monday 2008.02.04, we will put things to a
>>>>>> I concur with Lee that:
>>>>>> Lee Feigenbaum wrote an 23, 2008 10:08 PM EST
>>>>>>> [LF] there was a consensus understanding in general of the
>>>>>>> distinction between a repository and a registry -- if we agree
on a
>>>>>>> definition for a repository (which is our end goal, if I
>>>>>>> the project correctly :-), then perhaps we do not need to
belabor a
>>>>>>> definition of ontology registry as well
>>>>>> I think the documented discussion during our Jan-23 meeting on
what a
>>>>>> "registry" is (ref.
>>>>>> R
>>>>>> ) is enough to allow us to move forward.
>>>>>> Therefore, if you have alternative candidate definitions for
>>>>>> Repository", please response to this message and make a motion
for its
>>>>>> adoption by this team. Please try to find someone to second your
motion too.
>>>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>>>> P.S. Once again, I hope we can just summarily adopt the above
>>>>>> (if there are no alternative proposals, and no objections) and go
>>>>>> =ppy
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> On Jan 23, 2008 12:02 PM, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In particular, were made an attempt (and came close) to
adopting a
>>>>>>>> definition for "ontology repository" (possibly even "ontology
>>>>>>>> registry"), but decided to put this up for asynchronous
>>>>>>>> deliberation due to time constraints.
>>>>>>> Ref.
>>>>>>> nid17US
>>>>>>> We were close ... (and have got to):
>>>>>>> "An ontology repository is a facility where ontologies and
>>>>>>> information artifacts can be stored, retrieved and managed."
>>>>>>> Let's open this up for discussion and then put it to a vote
after 7
>>>>>>> calendar days (from the time-stamp of this message).
>>>>>>> Feel free to attempt defining "ontology registry" or "registry"
>>>>>>> If we are getting close, we'll adopt that as well.
>>>>>>> Thanks & regards. =ppy
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> Date: Jan 23, 2008 11:55 AM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [oor-forum] Founding Members Meeting of the Open
>>>>>>> Repository (OOR) Initiative - Wed 2008.01.23
>>>>>>> To: oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> We had a very fruitful meeting today, thanks to all who were
able to join
>>>>>> us.
>>>>>>> For those who were able to call in, the proceedings are captured
>>>>>>> the session page at:
>>>>>>> In particular, were made an attempt (and came close) to adopting
>>>>>>> definition for "ontology repository" (possibly even "ontology
>>>>>>> registry"), but decided to put this up for asynchronous
>>>>>>> deliberation due to time constraints. (I'll start a thread on
this in
>>>>>>> a moment.)
>>>>>>> Very encouraging is the fact that the NIST-Ontology-NCOR-...
>>>>>>> co-organized "OntologySummit2008" has adopted "Toward An Open
>>>>>>> Repository" as the main theme this year. We are looking forward
>>>>>>> bootstrap from that initiative. Ideas as to how we could do it
>>>>>>> be welcome.
>>>>>>> Our next call is scheduled for Wed 2008.02.13 - 1.5 Hr. starting
>>>>>>> 1pm PST / 4pm EST / 21:00 GMT/UTC.
>>>>>>> Please mark your calendars now and refer to details at the wiki
>>>>>>> session page (closer to the time) at:
>>>>>>> Look forward to having you all at the next meeting.
>>>>>>> Regards. =ppy
>>>>>>> --
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