On 12/11/13 1:34 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> The connection between words, phrases, and HTTP URIs (which are all
> different *kinds* of identifiers) is often lost or overlooked when
> attempting to understand the principles outlined in Tim Berners-Lee's
> original Linked Data meme.
I'm glad that you emphasized *kinds*. But I want to emphasize that
the difference is a fundamental semantic gap that no URI can bridge.
Generally, of course. But I am make very specific use i.e., using
HTTP URIs to denote things in a manner that leverages what the
architecture of the World Wide Web offers implicitly i.e., the
ability to denote things unambiguously on/in the Web medium using
fragment identifiers [1][2].
Although I sympathize with Tim B-L's goals, URIs can never convert
an informal NL to a formal CNL.
In the context of my Linked Data related posts [3][4], I am looking
at the combined use of HTTP URIs and RDF to create a CNL. The
consequence of said CNL is Blogic [5].
[1] http://bit.ly/INv6ag -- effect of fragment identifiers as global
identifiers on/in the Web medium
[2] http://bit.ly/WAJGCp -- TimBL presentation (circa. 2005) about
the same thing
[3] http://bit.ly/1bxRWfg -- Webby Documents, Sentences, and Words
[4] http://bit.ly/1fdTTPE -- Revisiting Linked Data Principles
[5] http://slidesha.re/18CtxGK -- Pat Hayes presentation on Blogic.
Kingsley Idehen
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