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Re: [ontolog-forum] Data, Silos, Interoperability, and Agility

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 11:03:48 -0400
Message-id: <523F06D4.4080103@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Kingsley and Paul,    (01)

The differences in our attitude towards the SW stack result from
what we're comparing it to.    (02)

> Of course, RDF isn't the end of the story, but it's better than
> what exists right now -- bearing in mind its proximity to other
> aspects of the Web technology stack.    (03)

I'm not comparing RDF to what exists now.  I'm comparing the entire
SW stack with what was available for a free download in 2000, when
Tim B-L wrote the DAML proposal.    (04)

In that proposal, Tim cited many of the AI tools, any or all of
which could have been added to or adapted to the SW stack by ASMOP
(A Simple Matter Of Programming).    (05)

> The W3C (as far as I know) has no proposal covering how you secure
> databases.   What they do have (that I know about) are specs for
> structured data representation that includes the ability express
> and embed entity oriented semantics using the RDF data model.    (06)

If you're satisfied with specs, you should be ecstatic about the
implementations of deductive databases going back to the 1970s.
Among them are logic-programming systems combined with RDBs.
Prolog was the first and still the most widely used.    (07)

In fact, Prolog became an ISO standard in 2002, and excellent
open-source versions were available for free download.  All the
ASMOP needed to include the SW stack has been done.  For example,    (08)

 From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWI-Prolog
> SWI-Prolog is an open source implementation of the programming language
> Prolog, commonly used for teaching and semantic web applications. It has
> a rich set of features, libraries for constraint logic programming,
> multithreading, unit testing, GUI, interfacing to Java, ODBC and others,
> literate programming, a web server, SGML, RDF, RDFS, developer tools
> (including an IDE with a GUI debugger and GUI profiler), and extensive
> documentation.
> SWI-Prolog has been under continuous development since 1987.   It runs
> on Unix, Windows, Macintosh and Linux platforms...
> JPL is a bidirectional interface between Java and Prolog. It requires
> both SWI-Prolog and Java SDK.  It is installed as a part of SWI-Prolog.    (09)

When Ted Codd first saw Prolog, his immediate reaction was "I wish I
had invented that."  But Prolog can and does support the SW notations
and E-R designs just as easily as it supports RDBs.    (010)

> I am sure you know that only a minority of [financial] institutions haven't
> at some time over the last 10 or so years been associated with a data breach.    (011)

Two points:  (1) the breaches got into the system through the WWW, not
through the RDB; (2) that minority used appropriate "silos" to protect
their data.    (012)

> These databases need firewalls around them that are based on entity
> oriented semantics. The kind of semantics expressible using RDF.    (013)

Three more points:  (1) a firewall is a good kind of silo; (2) Prolog
includes RDF as a subset; (3) Prolog can easily support E-R designs.    (014)

> I gather, from some comments made by John Sowa on this list, that his
> company provides software that does this sort of thing (tracking down
> what is the same &c. in software artifacts).    (015)

Thanks for the plug.  But we are still a small company, and we're
still working on a contract-by-contract basis.  We plan to "provide"
software.  But there is a huge gap between using software in contracts
and selling, documenting, and maintaining software for others to use.    (016)

For some examples of VivoMind applications that do such tracking, see
slides 143 to 164 of http://www.jfsowa.com/talks/goal.pdf .    (017)

And by the way, Prolog is the primary language used for the advanced
AI aspects of VivoMind software.  We use Java for the more routine
stuff and C for highly optimized algorithms that are called by Prolog.
Those algorithms support Cognitive Memory (TM) -- slides 118 to 132.    (018)

John    (019)

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