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Re: [ontolog-forum] Data, Silos, Interoperability, and Agility

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 18:01:59 -0400
Message-id: <523CC5D7.8040106@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/20/13 4:53 PM, Paul Tyson wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-09-20 at 14:25 -0400, John F Sowa wrote:
>> On 9/20/2013 11:24 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>> A silo to me is an enclave on a network that's fire-walled by way of
>>> proprietary standards re., data access i.e., an impediment to data flow.
>> That's also true of modules for which there are very good reasons
>> for not sharing certain kinds of data.
>> In fact, just look at Tim B-L's DAML proposal of Feb 2000.  He itemized
>> several reasons why methods for limiting access to certain kinds of data
>> are needed.  That's just one of many requirements in the DAML proposal
>> that the DAML project ignored.
>> General principle:  We need better methods for sharing what should be
>> shared and restricting what should be restricted.
> Better than what?
> XACML [1] defines a conceptual framework and concrete syntax for
> restricting or allowing access to any resource whatsoever based on
> attributes of the resource, the requestor, the action, and the current
> environment. What more is wanted?
> When I was on the XACML TC I proposed moving the spec toward better
> compatibility with RDF and the semantic web stack. But even in its
> present form it is largely interoperable with RDF and other standard
> rule languages.
> A company I know wanted to use XACML to provide fine-grained access
> control in a COTS application. The COTS vendor said "that won't work, we
> won't support it, use ours (for extra $$$)". Company said "prove it".
> They couldn't, lost in a bake-off. XACML works just fine.
> General principle: Standardization spells reduced revenue stream for
> big software vendors. They will resist it as long as their customers
> keep buying non-standards-compliant products.    (01)

Really well stated!!!    (02)

"prove it" (or "show some dog-food evidence") is the key to cost-savings 
and long-term salvation, when invoked.    (03)

Modulo those that still (circa. 2013) conflate semantics and formats, 
XACML models all the semantics required for fine-grained attributed 
based access controls. The kind of thing you see myself and others 
demonstrate under the moniker (WebID based ACLs) with regards to 
Read-Write Web efforts.    (04)

Back to one of your key points:    (05)

The proprietary technology dance repeats itself over and over again. It 
recreates the upgrade-mirage-to-nowhere and keeps spaghetti code and 
products based on leaky abstraction thriving (via $$ churn models and 
silly buzz-phrase generators) at the expense of customers.    (06)

All you have to do is look at how the World Wide Web's architecture has 
inflected computing to see how and why this model is on an inevitable 
path to well deserved destruction :-)    (07)

Kingsley    (08)

> Regards,
> --Paul
> [1] https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xacml
>> John
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--     (010)

Regards,    (011)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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