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Re: [ontolog-forum] Data, Silos, Interoperability, and Agility

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 18:23:41 -0400
Message-id: <523E1C6D.6010501@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 9/21/13 2:47 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> Kingsley,
> I certainly agree on the semantic problems with RDBs.  Those issues
> were recognized in the 1970s.  And very good proposals for fixing
> the problems have been published, analyzed, and implemented in
> research systems for the nearly 40 years.  The biggest obstacles
> have been the dominant vendors.
>>> A lot of my personal data is stored by corporations whose security
>>> systems I depend on.  At least, I'm thankful that they use RDBs,
>>> not SW formats.
> KI
>> Please!
>> SQL RDBMS engines are horrible when it comes to security. Just down
>> right horrible. They  use literal identifiers for their objects, they
>> are utterly challenged by semantics, and eternally vulnerable to social
>> engineering.
> I sympathize with all your complaints.  But (a) RDBs have so little
> built-in semantics, that you can build any good semantics you prefer
> on top of them; (b) they support sufficient controls on transactions
> that they can be made far more secure than anything the W3C proposes.    (01)

The W3C (as far as I know) has no proposal covering how you secure 
databases. What they do have (that I know about) are specs for 
structured data representation that includes the ability express and 
embed entity oriented semantics using the RDF data model.    (02)

> Please note that RDBs are currently used to run the major financial
> transactions for businesses and governments around the world.    (03)

You know that I know that.    (04)

I am sure you know that only a minority of these institutions haven't at 
some time over the last 10 or so years been associated with a data breach.    (05)

>   They
> use the Internet for passing encrypted messages, not for transactions.    (06)

Back to transactions, the issue is that we have data in repositories 
that are devoid of the semantic smarts for controlling access to this 
data. Thus, socially engineered attacks are the norm.    (07)

These databases need firewalls around them that are based on entity 
oriented semantics. The kind of semantics expressible using RDF.    (08)

> KI
>> The solution to this problem with where the Semantic Web technology
>> stack is extremely strong.
> More precisely, the SW implemented a subset of the semantics that had
> been proposed by many different academic and commercial developers
> over the past 40 years.   I'd use the term "better than SQL" for the
> SW semantics, but that isn't saying much.    (09)

As you've indicated on many occassions, RDBMS technology is driving a 
majority of the worlds financial systems, thus any tool that addresses 
their semantically fallibility has to be better than nothing. The key is 
not to "rip and replace" these products; instead, simply leverage 
layering that basically delivers a logical firewall around the data.    (010)

> KI
>> Basically, while ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET from RDBMS vendors exist
>> (pre-installed)  on systems, and users and enterprises remain ambivalent
>> of what data actually is,  they are vulnerable beyond description.
> Of course!  The Internet leaks like a sieve.  That is why every secure
> system *must be* a silo.  (At least until something better than the
> current Internet is developed.)    (011)

A secure system needs a logical firewall around it. As you know, that's 
the kind of thing you can only build by leveraging entity oriented 
semantics. Of course, RDF isn't the end of the story, but its better 
than what exists right now -- bearing in mind its proximity to other 
aspects of the Web technology stack.    (012)

> John
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--     (014)

Regards,    (015)

Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
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