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Re: [ontolog-forum] API4KB and diverse ontologies

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Elisa Kendall <ekendall@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 12:26:10 -0700
Message-id: <51CDE352.3030601@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
John,    (01)

One of the primary goals of the APIs is to provide standard interfaces 
for constructing hybrid reasoning systems, so that 
classification-oriented reasoners can be incorporated in a standard way 
with enterprise quality rule engines, predictive analytics, data mining 
and other such capabilities to solve real world problems.  I'm also 
interested in improving the interoperability of ontology development 
using RDFS, OWL, and CL with other modeling tools, for example to 
facilitate reasoning about systems engineering and business process models.    (02)

The parsers/APIs are not up to snuff sufficiently to support doing this 
without a great deal of effort, including custom development that may 
not work if the APIs themselves change  (I can say this as having been a 
victim of the results more than once).  There are a number of APIs out 
there, notably the OWL API, that folks use for development, but it isn't 
a standard at this point, and could benefit from commercialization.  
Consistent integration of the OWL API and even RDF-based APIs such as 
Jena can be challenging.    (03)

For the kinds of systems I'm concerned about, including those that would 
use extensions of the emerging Financial Industry Business Ontology 
(FIBO) for use in banking applications, the ontology(ies) themselves 
would be reused across systems, with appropriate mappings from 
qualitative to quantitative measures/metrics.  So -- we're not talking 
about multiple ontologies in various languages with differing semantics 
at all in this case, but ways of integrating the same ontology in 
different engines.  Early demonstrations of the potential have been very 
well received by the institutions and regulators alike.  But -- the 
access methods for the reasoners are insufficient for our needs, which 
include integration with service busses, use in REST architectures, and 
so on.  Matthew Horridge has said that he would be interested in working 
with us to use the API4KBs wrappers together with the OWL API to show 
how this could be done in practice, which is one of our critical test 
cases.  Other test cases include the Reaction RuleML architecture 
(Adrian Paschke, Harold Boley, Davide Sottara, and others), which 
supports very interesting integration of rule systems and other kinds of 
analyses already, but has not been integrated with description logics 
reasoners to date.  Yet another group participating in the work includes 
Jeff Pan and his team working on OWL reasoners that simulate some of the 
aspects of OWL that can raise performance issues through rewriting, 
etc.  This would give us at least two participants with varied OWL 
reasoning capabilities and interfaces, and in addition to the RuleML 
folks, IBM and TIBCO are also on our voting list and participate from 
time to time in the meetings/development activities, with possible 
implementations in ILOG and TIBCO Business Events, among other 
commercial applications.    (04)

Best regards,    (05)

Elisa    (06)

On 6/28/2013 9:41 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> Ed,
>> But you can't blow hot and cold with the same mouth here.
> I'm blowing ambivalence.
> The initial impression I got from Sottara's 2012 slides was that he
> was trying to do something very ambitious that was premature for
> standardization.  But you and Elisa convinced me that he is doing
> something much simpler -- and certainly doable.
> My only objection is we already have a solution:  Common Logic is
> a superset of all the logics on their list.  Any or all of the three
> dialects in the 2007 ISO standard or the next revision -- CLIF, CGIF,
> or XCL -- could be used for interchange among the systems on their list.
> So what's the point?
> John
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