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Re: [ontolog-forum] API4KB and diverse ontologies

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: John F Sowa <sowa@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 17:26:46 -0400
Message-id: <51CF5116.5090802@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Elisa,    (01)

Thanks for this point.  It does provide more clarity.    (02)

> Architectures that are motivating our work include not only CTS 2 and
> its predecessors, but the Reaction RuleML effort, which has been well
> tested with commercial rule systems and other applications such as
> analytics, but without any description logics reasoning in the loop. We
> have also gone back to the FIPA work, and especially their ACL language
> approach, to facilitate looser coupling, as our goal is to create more
> of a framework than tightly coupled interfaces, with specific
> implementations to support a couple of key use cases and provide a
> reference for others.    (03)

But I'd like to mention some historical issues about KQML, KIF, and
Tim B-L's proposal for SWeLL.  I wrote them in a note that I sent
just before I saw yours, and I copied the relevant points below.    (04)

The FIPA ACL language incorporates the basic ideas of KQML.
See Tim Finin's answer to "Whatever happened to KQML?" :    (05)

http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/blogger/2006/07/11/what-ever-happened-to-kqml/    (06)

KQML and its successor FIPA ACL came out of the SRKB project.  And
so did the ideas behind SWeLL and Common Logic.  I believe that these
ideas are very important for the development of any new APIs.    (07)

If Benjamin G. and the Ontoiop group can help bring some of that work
into API4KB, I believe it could correct some of the mistakes of 2003
and provide a better foundation for the future.    (08)

___________________________________________________________________    (09)

A historically important system, whose basic design is still sound,
is Ontolingua.  Following is a report by Tom Gruber from 1993:    (010)

     A translation approach to portable ontology specifications    (011)

The translation approach was the consensus of a large group
of AI experts who gathered together in a loose collaboration
called SRKB (Shared Reusable Knowledge Bases).  The founding
meeting was in 1991, and several projects came out of it:
KIF, KQML, and Ontolingua among them.  For a summary of the
translation approach, look at Fig 1 (p. 7) and Fig 2 (p. 16)
of Tom G's article.    (012)

Other projects were strongly influenced by SRKB, including UMLS
and Protege.  Another influence was the collaboration between
KIF (Genesereth & Fikes), CGs (Harry Delugach, me, and several
others), and several different NCITS committees. That eventually
led to the Common Logic standard in 2007.    (013)

The translation approach was also the foundation for SWeLL -- the
very general and expressive logic in Tim B-L's proposal of Feb. 2000:    (014)

     http://www.w3.org/2000/01/sw/DevelopmentProposal    (015)

In that document, search for every occurrence of 'swell'.  That
leads to the original Semantic Web "layer cake", which I believe is
an *improvement* on its successors.  Just below that layer cake,    (016)

Tim B-L
> The Semantic Web, then, will serve as an interchange "bus" for on-line data.
> In effect, it will allow any web software to read and manipulate data 
> by any other web software. SWeLL will enable this interchange. The pairing of
> simple, predictable, reliable systems with complex, unpredictable, heuristic
> systems is one of the novel possibilities opened by the Semantic Web.    (017)

This is a clear, concise statement of the translation approach. It is
consistent with the consensus of the SRKB project, which was implemented
in Ontolingua and other projects.    (018)

Pat Hayes participated in the SRKB project, the Common Logic project,
and the early work on the SW.  He worked with Guha to produce the LBase
specification, which is compatible with Tim B-L's proposal for SWeLL.    (019)

If LBase had been adopted in 2003 along the lines that Tim B-L had
proposed for SWeLL, we wouldn't have any of these debates today.    (020)

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