On 5/29/13 9:50 PM, David Eddy wrote:
Kingsley -
On May 29, 2013, at 9:22 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
I can accept
relational tables and relational property/predicate graphs
(or network) as relation modalities associated with DBMS
products associated specific declarative query languages
etc.. :-)
I'm explicitly defending the honor, value &
significance of non RDBMS data stores.
Your state reads to me that you only deal with RDBMS data
Frankly I don't know what precisely defines an RDBMS... the
fact that storage is rows & columns & held together
with various key flavors, or that SQL is the access language.
I'm quite sure IMS's DL/1 is not SQL.
But it has relations :-)
I'm certain that if someone stepped up & demonstrated a
piece of magic that swept RDBMS data out to triples (without
negatively impacting the production window), folks would be
mightily impressed... and the next thing they'd ask: what
about my other production DBMS stores? They're part of my
production footprint too.
That's something we offered for eons (RDF based Linked Data time).
The trouble right now is getting folks to understand what's possible
once the Data, Data Schema, and DBMS engines are all loosely
coupled. Marketing induced and driven terminology conflation and
misuse remains our biggest challenge.
Remember non-RDBMS data stores have a 30 year head-start on
RDBMS in the Fortune 1000.
Yes, of course :-)
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