On May 29, 2013, at 7:42 PM, Stephen Young wrote:
we've had to build tools which
suck data directly from an RDBMS
Ummmm... that's nice, but...
Is non RDBMS at the table too?
I assume no one knows how much RDBMS & non-RDBMS there
is, but there's a ton of non-RDBMS... think flat files (of
infinite variety), IMS, IDMS, ADABAS, M204, S2000, DatacomDB
& on & on & on.
Obviously this legacy stuff isn't as popular as the au
courant RDBMS, but there's a lot of it.
I've spoken to a n outfit that thinks they have 28 DBMS
engines. I could only count to 17.
Are they ignored or included?