On Mon, May 27, 2013 10:05, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 5/27/13 9:21 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 5/27/13 1:23 AM, doug foxvog wrote:
>>> Most English readers don't know what URIs are.
>> They know that words are identifiers.
>> They know that identifiers denote (name or "refer to") entities or
>> things.
>> They know that basic sentence structure is comprised of a subject,
>> predicate, and object. That each of the aforementioned roles are
>> associated with words in a sentence.
>> Given the right examples they will also understand that literals are
>> the only mechanism for denotation.
> Correction:
> Meant to say: literals aren't the only mechanism for entity denotation.
> On the Web and Internet, URIs are more effective denotation mechanisms. (01)
I agree with your previous statement. (02)
URIs are literals. They are strings of characters. Appropriate computer
systems can treat these literals in appropriate ways. (03)
-- doug foxvog (04)
> Kingsley (05)
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