On 5/23/13 11:24 AM, doug foxvog wrote:
> On Wed, May 22, 2013 12:44, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 5/22/13 11:00 AM, doug foxvog wrote:
>>> ...
>>> RDF does have awkward ways of
>>> representing such relations, but a syntax that is not limited to
>>> triples would be (imho) far better to use, especially when "targeting
>>> less technical audiences."
>> Yes-ish, but I don't know of any non technical audience profiles that
>> would be confused by structured data being expressed (presented) and
>> encoded using patterns that resemble basic sentence structure.
> "Basic sentence structure" involves lists. (01)
Yes, and so does RDF. But to be more specific about my point, I am
referring to Subject, Predicate, and Object. (02)
Basic observation enables the subject observer describe what's observed
using subject->predicate->object based statements/propositions. Of
course, that isn't the end of the story, but its are very useful and
powerful starting point. Much better than not having it at all. (03)
> In English one has direct and
> indirect objects. One can say, "one from three is two". These are
> basic sentence structures that are not natively expressed as triples
> and can not be simply expressed as triples. (04)
RDF isn't aimed at expressing every nuance. (05)
>> vendors successfully built an industry around a misaligned view of data
>> via the two-dimensional table and literal identifiers. If that could be
>> done, I do believe one could also build an industry around a more
>> accurate conceptual view of data using an entity relationship model
>> based on subject->predicate->object relations expression syntax that can
>> be encoded using a variety of notations.
> Allowing objects instead of literals certainly eases things. But restricting
> the 2D table to having only two columns (with one holding the row
> identifier) greatly complicates them. (06)
RDF isn't 2D. You have relations across the ABox, TBox, and RBox. (07)
>> In my experience, RDF is all about enhancing the existing entity
>> relationship model [1] by adding the following to the mix:
>> 1. explicit (rather than implicit) machine- and human-comprehensible
>> entity relationship semantics;
> but restricting them to binary relations. I note that Chen's dissertation
> [1]
> defines relations as n-ary:
> "A relationship set, Ri, is a mathematical relation among n entities
> each taken from an entity set:
> {[e1, e2, . . . , en] | e1 E E1, e2 E E2, . . . , en E En},
> and each tuple of entities, [el, e2, , . . , en], is a relationship."
> The n-ary entity relationship semantics of RDF is not easily human
> comprehensible.
The following statement is comprehensible to a majority of literate humans: (08)
<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document> . (09)
The entity denoted by the URI
<http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2013-05/msg00196.html> is
of type document. (010)
>> 2. use of IRIs as the mechanism for denoting subject, predicate, and
>> objects of relations.
>> The perceived awkwardness of the above shouldn't be a definitive
>> detraction per se. :-)
> As long as one only models binary relations, the awkwardness is
> avoided. But even a claw hammer is not the best tool for each
> job. (011)
RDF isn't a silver bullet. It's a tool for a very specific job (webby
structured data representation). Even the most ardent support of RDF
couldn't see it as a silver bullet :) (012)
> -- doug foxvog
>> Links:
>> [1] http://bit.ly/YTdz3N -- Peter Chen's 1976 dissertation about the
>> unified view of data using the entity relationship model .
>> Kingsley
>>> -- doug foxvog
>>>> Kingsley
>>>>> Regards
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>>>>>> --
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>> Regards,
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> (013)
-- (014)
Regards, (015)
Kingsley Idehen
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