On 1/11/13 11:45 AM, Ed Barkmeyer wrote:
> Kingsley,
> I generally agree. A proposition is a sentence. Technically, the
> general notion of 'sentence' includes "modalities": declarative,
> interrogative, imperative, hortative. So if your logic includes enough
> modalities, every sentence is a proposition. I think you are talking
> about "declarative sentences", when you refer to "statements".
> But making a sentence/proposition into a 'datum' requires one more
> element -- the acceptance that the proposition is true. A 'datum' is a
> proposition that is taken to be true. Interestingly, however, when one
> deals with "outlier data" in a statistical analysis, one asks whether
> there is some uncontrolled variable or the outliers are "dubious
> observations", i.e., propositions that might not actually be true as
> reported.
> I also agree, BTW, that a paragraph is just a small corpus -- a
> collection of 1 or more sentences/propositions. And 'data' is a
> collection of propositions that we take to be (simultaneously) true.
> BTW, we are not distinguishing here between the mental proposition (the
> "meaning") and its expression, but that seems to be a big issue to other
> contributors. That is, they see a 'sentence' as a particular form of
> expression, which is, for example, distinct from a table of values. In
> John's example, a telephone directory is not a collection of grammatical
> sentences, but the meaning of each entry in the directory is a
> proposition/datum. So we really have to be careful how we use these words.
> In my view, a table for which you don't know how to interpret a row is
> not 'data'; it is just an image. It might as well be a JPEG of a
> drawing. One might say that it is 'data' in the sense that the
> interpretation is "In row 3, column B is 5", but then that is a sentence.
> -Ed
> On 1/11/2013 10:35 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> <snip>
>> So building on the above, a Sentence is a Datum. Likewise, a Paragraph
>> is Data.
>> The paragraph above expressed in Turtle notation as:
>> <#Sentence> <#sameAs> <#Datum> .
>> <#Paragraph> <#sameAs> <#Data> .
>> Or with more specificity:
>> <#Proposition> <#kindOf> <#Sentence> .
>> <#Statement> <#kindOf> <#Sentence> .
>> <#Proposition> <#sameAs> <#Statement> .
>> <#Proposition> <#sameAs> <#Datum> .
>> <#Statement> <#sameAs> <#Datum> .
>> <#Paragraph> <#sameAs> <#Data> .
Ed, (01)
Are we still okay re. the additions to above that follow? (02)
## Additions -- still in Turtle Notation ## (03)
<#Sentence> <#hasContainer> <#Paragraph> .
<#Word> <#hasContainer> <#Sentence> .
<#Subject> <#partOf> <#Sentence> .
<#Subject> <#Altlabel> "Entity" .
<#Predicate> <#partOf> <#Sentence> .
<#Predicate> <#Altlabel> "Attribute" .
<#Predicate> <#sameAs> <#Verb> .
<#Object> <#partOf> <#Sentence> .
<#Object> <#Altlabel> "Value" .
<#Paragraph> <#hasContainer> <#Page> .
<#Page> <#hasContainer> <#Chapter> .
<#Page> <#kindOf> <#Document> .
<#Page> <#hasContainer> <#Book> .
<#Index> <#partOf> <#Book> .
<#Index> <#references> <#Page> .
<#Index> <#references> <#Topic>.
<#Subject> <#kindOf> <#Topic> .
<#Predicate> <#kindOf> <#Topic> .
<#Object> <#kindOf> <#Topic> .
<#Glossary> <#partOf> <#Book> .
<#Chapter> <#partOf> <#Book> .
<#Book> <#sameAs> <#Database> . (04)
## Some Predicate Definitions (05)
<#type> <#transitivePredicate> ;
<#equivalentPredicate> <#partOf> ;
<#domain> <#Word>, <#Sentence>, <#Paragraph>, <#Page>, <#Chapter>, <#Book> ;
<#range> <#Sentence>, <#Paragraph>, <#Page>, <#Chapter>, <#Book> . (06)
<#type> <#transitivePredicate> . (07)
-- (08)
Regards, (09)
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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