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Re: [ontolog-forum] Tighter control of ontolog forum? - a solution?

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:56:55 +0000
Message-id: <4a4804721001260856w23f42d27wb7322b9bbb64d5b1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
HI Ron
I like your approach

(btw- control can be 'mind control' or 'quality control', and sometimes the latter is used as a mechanism to puruse the former)

however I was not aware that the work at hand for the forum is discuss 'ontology repositories'
(which I would consider an unbearable constraint, but can do for a week or so - if not provoked)

Is that really the mission of this discussion forum? as of when (sorry if I missed something)?
I thought there was a separate list for that (oor?)

I posted my stance on respositories a while back - the web as a distributed meta- repository, and artefacts
should be developed to support the linking/cross-referecing/utilization/maintenance of such distributed repositories
(think of a SOA type architecture for distributed ontology repositories )

I dont remember comments on this idea (which is all I have to say on the subject for the moment)

my eyesight is also obviously deteriorating,


On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Ron Wheeler <rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Now we are getting out a Predator drone to kill a skunk.

If the more active people in the forum could exert some self control and
perhaps rather than responding to off-topic comments, would just reply
saying that the topic is of great interest but "off-topic".

As an active lurker, I suspect that a lot of the authors of "off-topic"
material would be surprised to find that their contributions are
Reply privately to "off-topic" postings if there is a real need to
refute something or pursue the matter personally.

Unfortunately some of the most interesting discussions are clearly off
the topic of ontology repositories.

Perhaps we should declare a moratorium on references to any paper or
research that predates the use of computers and see if that focuses the
forum on repositories.
It does not have to be for a long time but it might allow some focus on
the application of modern tools to the problem.
Could the forum survive for a week with such a ban? ;-)
Would that bring back the people who have real problems to solve and are
leaving the forum since it no longer offers relevant discussions.


John F. Sowa wrote:
> The best way to limit the noise on this list is for people to exercise
> some self restraint.
> I try to limit my contributions to one note per day, and I try to group
> my responses to multiple people in a single note.  Unfortunately, I
> sometimes go over the limit, especially in the middle of a hot debate.
> Recommendation:  I suggest that ontolog forum should have an automatic
> cutoff that would prevent *everyone* except Peter Yim from submitting
> more than one note per day.  If anyone hit the "reply button" for a
> second note during the same 24-hour period, the email handler would
> send the note *only* to the original sender or anybody on the explicit
> cc list.  (In case of emergency, it would be possible to ask Peter to
> post a second note to the whole forum.)
> I believe that this solution would reduce the noise very significantly.
> John Sowa
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Paola Di Maio
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein

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