Now we are getting out a Predator drone to kill a skunk. (01)
If the more active people in the forum could exert some self control and
perhaps rather than responding to off-topic comments, would just reply
saying that the topic is of great interest but "off-topic". (02)
As an active lurker, I suspect that a lot of the authors of "off-topic"
material would be surprised to find that their contributions are
Reply privately to "off-topic" postings if there is a real need to
refute something or pursue the matter personally. (03)
Unfortunately some of the most interesting discussions are clearly off
the topic of ontology repositories. (04)
Perhaps we should declare a moratorium on references to any paper or
research that predates the use of computers and see if that focuses the
forum on repositories.
It does not have to be for a long time but it might allow some focus on
the application of modern tools to the problem.
Could the forum survive for a week with such a ban? ;-)
Would that bring back the people who have real problems to solve and are
leaving the forum since it no longer offers relevant discussions. (05)
Ron (06)
John F. Sowa wrote:
> The best way to limit the noise on this list is for people to exercise
> some self restraint.
> I try to limit my contributions to one note per day, and I try to group
> my responses to multiple people in a single note. Unfortunately, I
> sometimes go over the limit, especially in the middle of a hot debate.
> Recommendation: I suggest that ontolog forum should have an automatic
> cutoff that would prevent *everyone* except Peter Yim from submitting
> more than one note per day. If anyone hit the "reply button" for a
> second note during the same 24-hour period, the email handler would
> send the note *only* to the original sender or anybody on the explicit
> cc list. (In case of emergency, it would be possible to ask Peter to
> post a second note to the whole forum.)
> I believe that this solution would reduce the noise very significantly.
> John Sowa
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