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[ontolog-forum] Intelligent City: was Event Ontology

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "AzamatAbdoullaev" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 21:21:35 +0300
Message-id: <8CF28F1D169D474995CFDA8F3FA98103@personalpc>
Ravi wrote:
"Rich and Chris, Best regards and request that we do not stop expressing ourselves in spite of occasional mis-communication as we are working with multiple language and cultural backgrounds, Azamat would hopefully also agree?"
AA: i am getting a bit fantastic assignment: pooling all the intellectual forces, to chip into building a new intelligent city, Neapolis, in the legendary city of Pafos, at the coastline of the Med sea. While working out its representations, i found many meanngs of the notion, from digital, vitual internet city, or cyberville, to smart community to intelligent environments or space with embedded ICTs to broadband territories to knowledge learning and innovation regions.
For the concept of cyberville, a piece of virtual world, there is a porous boundary between the real world of natural cities and the virtul world of digital cities. As such, there is the real world of substances and beings, states, actions and relations, opposed by the information, model world of objects and agents, states, and activities, and simulated relations and rules [as locomotion, gravitation, topography, interactions and communications.
And who breaks the boundaries between so different worlds and cities? Agents, participants, players, who coming and going from the world, bringing into the virtual world with their idiosyncratic behavioral assumptions and attitudes and mindset and cultural backgrounds.
Our forum is a bit of digital world, bringing together best minds from multiple cultural backgrounds, with their own cultural preconceptions about those other cultures across the reality-cyberspace boundary into the high internet community of ontology and logic.
Re the status of the virtual world actions and acts, as the faux pas unintentionally performed, i incline to accept the position of being more alive and sensitive to each other.
Azamat Abdoullaev
PS: i'd really appreciate exchanging of views on the intelligent city, its nature, features, architecture, infrastructure, and relationships with ontology, semantic technology, information space, and knowledge systems.        
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Event Ontology

Thanks for the interpretation of consciousness in each of the three realms. I will reflect further and learn more about each viewpoint and hope to reconnect later on the ontological consequences of each of the three interpretations.
At wider metaphysical level the consciousness inherent in the smallest particle is its own "self knowledge" that is like an encapsulated knowledge that determines how that particle is to appear to behave such as be bound to electrons, single valence for a molecule, parity and spin and charge etc.
At higher life forms the consciousness is in Context i.e. topic based if you want to verify it externally. All expressions are through senses. But it is conceivable that a human is in coma but can not express externally but is still conscious as it knows it is alive with severe sensory limitations. These have lead some Indian scientists (neurosurgeons) to do experiments / attempts at slight clues that are external sense type responses, as doctors do for checking on us by examining our pupils and shining torch-light in to them to see if we are respondent. Now a days PET scans would be more sensitive indicators for such situations.
Coming to cognitive consciousness at communication levels we are after that aspect in ontologies that enables us to compare, communicate and share knowledge and experiences and there it is relevant to study the impact of John's response for three areas.

Again I tie these comments to earlier ones, for some of us any sensory response is sufficient, but if we could notionally put a weight on the consciousness expressivity related to understanding and knowledge and i realize that there is a spread there, we could someday score these to be at some level of understanding, I would not today easily qualify to the responding level in general relativity even though I taught a grad school course 40 years ago.
How cognition and ontology are related - is my next humble submission to John and others to respond?
P.S. Rich and Chris, Best regards and request that we do not stop expressing ourselves in spite of occasional mis-communication as we are working with multiple language and cultural backgrounds, Azamat would hopefully also agree?
(Dr. Ravi Sharma)
313 204 1740 Mobile

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