FC wrote: The standards I was referring to was Chevron's internal standards
in ontology naming, and making them sharable with the [Chevron] community,
thereby as a basis of
our own [Chevron] master data/ontology model.
AA: Then there will be the Shell master ontology model, BP master ontology
model, Exxon, Chevron, Total, Conoco, and it is only "the oil major" master
data models. What about industry standards, compatibility of the corporate
master ontologies, their merging, converging or at least aligning? Here was
the whole point of the question, to my reading. Thanks.
Azamat Abdoullaev (01)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chum, Frank Y" <FChum@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Abdoul" <abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Pieter De Leenheer" <pdeleenh@xxxxxxxxx>; "[ontolog-forum] "
<ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <semantic-web@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 11:39 PM
Subject: RE: independent semantic software evaluation frameworks? (02)
Azamat, (03)
Thank you for your comments on the PwC interview. The standards I was
referring to was Chevron's internal standards in ontology naming, and
making them sharable with the [Chevron] community, thereby as a basis of
our own [Chevron] master data/ontology model. (04)
I hope this helps with the clarification. (05)
Frank Chum (06)
-----Original Message-----
From: Abdoul [mailto:abdoul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 2:56 PM
To: Pieter De Leenheer; semantic-web@xxxxxxx; [ontolog-forum]
Cc: Chum, Frank Y
Subject: Re: independent semantic software evaluation frameworks? (07)
Pieter De Leenheer wrote: "Check out the PriceWaterhouseCoopers Spring
forecast as well, to find
out there overview of semantic tools":
http://www.collibra.com/resource/pwc-technology-forecast (08)
Thank you, Pieter: (09)
The forecast makes an interesting reading. Particularly i liked Frank
of Chevron interview on shared ontologies in the oil and gas industry. (010)
Although, have to say, he missed to answer the most interesting
question: (011)
PwC: Do you sense some danger that we could have a lot of enthusiasm
and end up with a lot of non-compatible ontologies? Are we going to
enter a
period where there will need to be some sort of master data model, a
ontology model effort? (012)
FC: We already defined some standards to address that. We have a URI
[Uniform Resource Identifier] standard for how you name ontologies, and
referenceable so that you can go into that URI and retrieve the
ontology. We
tried to make that shareable, and we are also starting a community type
space. (013)
azamat abdoullaev (014)
http://standardontology.org (015)
----- Original Message ----- (016)
From: "Pieter De Leenheer" <pdeleenh@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <paoladimaio10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "semantic-web at (017)
W3C" <semantic-web@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: independent semantic software evaluation frameworks? (018)
> Paolo, FYI check out our business semantics mgt tool, i.e. Collibra
> Studio at: http://www.collibra.com/trial
> Collibra is a spin-off from VUB STARLab.
> Here is the knowledge base with extra movies, tutorials, help to use
> http://support.collibra.com/knowledgebase/
> Check out the PriceWaterhouseCoopers Spring forecast as well, to find
> there overview of semantic tools:
> http://www.collibra.com/resource/pwc-technology-forecast
> Hope this helps,
> Pieter
> On 09 Aug 2009, at 19:03, Paola Di Maio wrote:
>> Greetings good people!
>> I am attempting to systematically aggregate as many independent
>> evaluations of semantic software tools as possible
>> (Note: by independent it is intended not carried out by people who
>> paid to do so, or have other vested interests - such as the
>> devleopers or consultants themselves or their friends and familieis
>> but by unaffiliated users who are more suitable to appreciate its
>> benefits and shorcomings)
>> We are particularly interested initially in the software developed
>> with EU funding (FP6 and FP7 )
>> The main frameworks of reference are standard software project
>> evaluation methods, including
>> references included there)
>> Md. Ahsan-ul Murshed and Ramanjit Singh
>> http://eprints.biblio.unitn.it/archive/00000747/01/013.pdf
>> I have already contacted offlist some of the individuals who have
>> offered knowledge and views, and I am now seeking additional wider
>> general input on
>> 1. developing and customizing the review criteria and methodology
>> (so that we can format the distributed evaluations using a common
>> template)
>> 2. any volunteered inputs in terms of reviews of software and other
>> deliverables (priority is to assess cost/benefit ratio, measured in
>> terms of
>> functionality and usefulness)
>> The final goal of this exercise is to contribute to improve the
>> effectiveness of EU funding process in semantic web, as well as to
>> general
>> software output at large, as well as to come up with
>> Your contribution can be submitted authored or anonymous (subject to
>> verification)
>> Please contact me offlist should you wish to collaborate on this
>> project,
>> cheers
>> Paola Di Maio
>> --
>> Paola Di Maio
>> **************************************************
>> Strategic Advisor
>> Networked Research Lab, UK
>> **************************************************
> Dr. Pieter De Leenheer
> Semantics Technology & Applications Research Laboratory
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel
> T +32 2 629 37 50 | M +32 497 336 553 | F +32 2 629 38 19
> Check out my blog: http://www.pieterdeleenheer.be
> (019)
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