I wrote: (01)
> The online browsers that I found did not describe any value restrictions
> (like '10 <= pre-teen age < 13', '13 <= teen < 18', 'adult >= 18'), and
> all I could infer out of the hierarchy was that it is a sub-concept of
> 'Person categorized by age/Minor/Childhood age person/Pre-teen'. (02)
My license agreements were all accepted and my hard drives are 650Mb
richer. I couldn't find any restrictions because there aren't any. (03)
This collection of terms is being referred to as a 'taxonomy' which in
this case, as far as I can tell, allows for common labels of content but
does allows the user to maintain a local contextual (perhaps country, or
region) frame of reference. (04)
I mean that someone can be locally classified pre-teen and exchange that
label with some other system without implying that the age range applied
during that classification process is more than locally applicable. (05)
And I am probably applying the term 'classify' incorrectly, since a
taxonomy is not a classification system. (06)
Cecil wrote: (07)
> The pregnant woman issue may have something to do with the US
> centric generation of SNOMED in that in the US... (08)
The SNOMED content has been vetted with many other countries, so I
wonder if that US centric view would survive that scrutiny, or is this a
case where a vast majority of the content is acceptable, plenty to vote
for a consensus, and other countries simply don't use that portion of
the standard and have their own local taxonomy. (09)
> ... we need to add Neonate age 0-28 days. (010)
And in creating that classification restriction, I pleased to see that
the fact that you've switched from 'years' to 'months' and now 'days'
should not be a problem for semantic engine that has a rich
interpretation of units, measurements, and time! (011)
Joel (012)
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