On Aug 9, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Duane Nickull wrote:
> As much as I personally disagree with the concept of a fatwah, it
> is not
> wrong. "Wrong" is just an opinion and not necessarily fact unless you
> define wrong as some magical consensus of society. Until that is
> done, it
> is all just opinion, story, etc. Of course in our society and this
> context
> I don't think anyone would agree that the concept of fatwah against
> Mr.
> Rushdie is "good", (01)
??? Pat just gave an example of such a person. (02)
> but it helps to be able to differentiate fact from story. (03)
Indeed. I strikes me that on your view, everything is story. (04)
> "The person has lost their ability to think critically" = someone's
> opinion,
> not fact. (05)
Nonsense. Anyone who is no longer willing or able to consider that a
given contingent belief -- especially a belief about gods and what
they expect of us -- might be false and hence ought not to be
believed has by definition ceased to think critically. Pat's lunch
companion was obviously such a person. It is a fact therefore that
the person had, at least with regard to his beliefs about his
obligation to kill Rushdie, lost or given up his ability to think
critically. (06)
> How do you know he has not thought about this critically and come
> to that conclusion based on his reality? (07)
One might rationally come to that conclusion (though I admit it is
difficult for me to understand how one could do it in an open
society). What is irrational is believing something so grave and
consequential with a certainty that resists doubt. (08)
> Pat was very careful to avoid stating the person was full of bunk.
> He just stated what the person believed. (09)
Trust me on this one: Even though he's never told me this story, I
can tell you with full assurance that Pat believed the person in
question to be completely off his nut. (010)
> Duane
> (No flames please. I am not condoning violence etc.) (011)
Nonetheless your view leaves you with utterly no rational grounds for
condemning it. (012)
-chris (013)
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