John F. Sowa schrieb:
> Wacek,
> I agree with you that there are degrees of precision,
> but not degrees of truth.
> (01)
If you do not accept any notion like that of 'truthlikeness', how do you
make sense of Peirce's view that the scientific community is approaching
truth? He is your favourite 'great philosopher', isn't he? (02)
Ingvar (03)
PS. I agree with your views below. (04)
> My claim is that a vague statement and a precise statement
> about the same subject are *equally* true. The following
> three statements are true:
> 1. The sun is 93 million miles from the earth with an
> accuracy of about 1 or 2 percent.
> 2. At the aphelion, the sun is 152 million kilometers
> from earth, and at the perihelion it is 147 million km
> from earth.
> 3. The mean distance from the earth to the sun is
> 149.6 million kilometers.
> If anything, statement #1 is better qualified, since the
> expected error is stated explicitly. However, in the
> absence of other qualification, the default error is
> one-half of the last significant digit (i.e., at most
> 500,000 miles for point #2 and 50,000 miles for #3).
> John
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Ingvar Johansson
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