[ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please do not share
or forward message without consent from the team! *** ] (01)
Leo, (02)
I'll forward the info to you again ... look out for a message under
subject line: oor-nsf07601 workspace access
For those who also forgot look for that msg
dated from me Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:41 AM PDT
(or ask me to re-forward you the msg.) (03)
Regards. =ppy
-- (04)
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 3:59 PM, Obrst, Leo J. <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please do not
>share or forward message without consent from the team! *** ]
> Sorry, folks, but I don't recall the login: can anyone help out? Could
>encrypt and sign for better protection.
> Thanks,
> Leo
> _____________________________________________
> Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics
> lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Information Discovery & Understanding, Command &
>Control Center
> Voice: 703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305
> Fax: 703-983-1379 McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA (05)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: oor-nsf07601-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:oor-nsf07601-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ken Baclawski
> Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 5:44 PM
> To: oor-nsf07601
> Subject: Re: [oor-nsf07601] NSF Proposal was not accepted
> [ *** This list is for use by the OOR nsf-07061 team only - please do not
>share or forward message without consent from the team! *** ]
> I could go to DC and speak with the PM F2F, but it would be best if I had
> a better idea of how we can deal with the issues we know about already.
> Generally speaking, the scores, even for a single reviewer, reflect all of
> the review criteria. To merit an overall score of "Excellent", one must be
> excellent on every criteron. In other words, we can't expect a weakness
> with respect to one of the review criteria to be counteracted by strength
> on another criterion. Remember that there are a lot of proposals and only
> a few grants.
> -- Ken
>> Sometimes you get some better ideas about the comments if you ask for a
>> face-to-face feedback review. I was concerned that we only rated one
>> "Very Good"
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> Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/project/OOR/nsf07601/
> Wiki:
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> Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/community/project/OOR/nsf07601/
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> (06)
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