>> That is the reductio ad absurdum. Google understands the requirements
>> for storage and processing of high volumes of data. That is why they
>> use JSON instead of the XML-based notations. (01)
Just for clarification RDF is not restricted to XML. You can also use
N3. There is also a JSON format for Linked Data called JSON-LD. (02)
>>> C-1 is a DesignElement (03)
Or using N3: 'C-1 a DesignElement.' (04)
Krzysztof (05)
On 01/23/2014 05:55 PM, John F Sowa wrote:
> Ed,
> If you like that notation, the content words and syntax
> can be defined as a very simple controlled English:
>> PI-1 instantiates the class C-1.
>> C-1 is a DesignElement
>> C-1 has designation "P101A"
>> C-1 is a part of PS-1.
>> PS-1 is a PlantDesign ...
>> PI-1 has a required property RP-101.
>> RP-101 is a discharge-pressure
>> RP-101 is greater-or-equal to Q-101.
>> Q-101 has unit KPa
>> Q-101 has ratio 5000.
> But there are much better CNLs that are easier to read,
> write, and translate to logic. For a extensive survey
> of CNLs, see http://www.tkuhn.ch/talk/larc2013cnl.pdf
> ACE is the CNL that Kuhn uses, but he presents a fair picture
> of many others.
> For a Multilingual Semantic-wiki based on ACE, see
> http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/site/pubs/papers/eswc2013_kaljurand.pdf
>> By comparison, in XML this could be phrased:
>> <rdl:PlantDesign id="PS-1" name="Dow-A47-2013-rev2">
>> ...
>> <rdl:DesignElement id="C-1" designation="P-101A" type="Pump">
>> ...
>> <HI50.7:minimumDischargePressure unit="KPa" value="5000" />
>> ...
>> </rdl:DesignElement>
> That is the reductio ad absurdum. Google understands the requirements
> for storage and processing of high volumes of data. That is why they
> use JSON instead of the XML-based notations.
> For Watson, IBM used the XML-based UIMA notation. But for complex
> reasoning, they discovered that Prolog was far superior in speed,
> flexibility, and expressive power than the native UIMA software.
> I agree that tools are not the problem. The major problem is the
> XML mindset. That turgid, bloated notation blinds people from
> seeing the underlying simplicity.
> John
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Krzysztof Janowicz (07)
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