Anatoly- Thank you for the informative response.
--Mark Palmer (01)
-----Original Message-----
From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anatoly Levenchuk
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 3:34 PM
To: 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion'
Cc: Denno, Peter O.; 'Russell.H.Adams'; cragg@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926 (02)
> What else is needed to achieve deployment in commercial products that are
> effective for plug and play interoperablility with new engineering and
> supplier partners, ....without needing special consultants and runtime
> negotiations with each new partner?
> --Mark Palmer (03)
1. ISO 15926 is only half an ontology engineering for systems engineering
project. Another half is market forces. Current main goal is federation of
CAD/PLM systems. All owner-operators companies want ISO 15926 based
federation. All CAD/PLM vendors against it (I spend many hours in
negotiations of owners-operators with vendors. Vendors usually not provides
with ISO 15926 even proclaimed in their documentation and press releases).
It is not about technology, it is about business models of CAD/PLM
companies. There is several owner-operator initiatives for tools and
reference data development (, JORD). And several small companies
that developing toolchain (e.g. TechInvestLab). We already have .15926
Editor. Now we plan to publish our ontology-based mapping methodology
(conversion of tables with engineering data to ISO 15926 valid OWL files)
next week. We will have our full mapping pipline tool in the middle 2012.
iRING have it now. XMpLant is not free like previous two and represent a
previous generation of ISO 15926 approach but it have multiple industry
installations. There are several another tools but this is work against big
software vendors that not interested in vendor-neutral interoperability. (04)
2. We developed mentioned in my previous letter of this thread "readchain"
only in November 2011. Nobody understood: why logic-based ontology is better
for mapping then usual OOP point-to-point adapters? Thread of this Ontology
Summit about SysML/UML touch the same topic: paradigm shift. We find that
book of Chris Partridge have answers for most of the beguinner's questions.
They start to understand why they need to use something like add and even
ISO 15926 when deal with object-oriented databases (CAD/CAM/PLM systems).
Now we have 3day courses for people who have no time to read 1500+pages of
books. After 3 day of training engineers can support talk about their need
in ISO 15926 and plan their possible activity. Now we have
methodologies+tools+curriculum. In 2011 there was no ready to use
methodologies and convenient tools and proven curriculum :-) Now we starting
actively teach people at owner-operator companies. Situation will be
completely different to the end of 2012.
Now we have 90 subscribers for Russian Language blog of TechInvestLab .15926
software development project -- ISO 15926
community in LinkedIn have 7% of members from Russian Federation. (05)
3. ISO 15926 is far from finished. JORD addressing RDL federation problem
now. Semantic network was first level of language, templates was second,
OIMs (part knowledge base that relate to specific object, e.g. "what you
know about pump") is third. We at TechInvestLab actively in development of
work with OIMs now. It is pure research, there are no implementations yet.
Gellish, IDEAS, HQDM used experience of ISO 15926 development and ISO 15926
community thinks how to absorb this new work to old "legacy" of a Standard.
Project of ISO 15926 formal semantic development starting this days. I think
that is take a couple of a years before you will have plug-and-play
interoperability. (06)
4. But still you will have problems that I mention in my presentations at
this Summit
-Models--AnatolyLevenchuck_20120202.pdf). Not all of these problems are due
to usage of ISO 15926 framework. Most of them is show stopper for all other
initiatives of ontology-based systems federation. (07)
Best regards,
Anatoly Levenchuk (08)
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