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[ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926

To: Ontology Summit 2011 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Ron Wheeler <rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 12:53:48 -0500
Message-id: <4F51092C.2000907@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

http://fiatech.org/images/stories/techprojects/project_deliverables/iso-intro-ver1.pdf    (01)

I know that this is a familiar document to many here. Some people here 
are mentioned in it.    (02)

For those who have not read it, I recommend the glossary for its tone 
and lighthearted approach to defining things.    (03)

I scanned the whole document which was very readable but got the biggest 
kick out of the glossary.    (04)

Any document on Ontology that quotes Lewis Carrol and uses Colossus and 
Guardian as examples of interoperability "ISO 15926 intends to achieve 
(minus, of course, the taking-over-the-world-and-enslaving-humanity 
part.)" and uses categorization of Weird Al to illustrate a technical 
challenge, is "must" reading.    (05)

Enjoy.    (06)

Ron    (07)

Ron Wheeler
Artifact Software Inc
email: rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
skype: ronaldmwheeler
phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102    (08)

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