Hi Mark,
See my previous answer.
Is there anyone who isn't on this distribution ;-)
Ian (01)
2012/3/2 Palmer, Mark E. Mr. <mark.palmer@xxxxxxxx>:
> Interesting sequence of gates to achieve a basic understanding of ISO 15926.
> What else is needed to achieve deployment in commercial products that are
>effective for plug and play interoperablility with new engineering and
>supplier partners,
> ....without needing special consultants and runtime negotiations with each
>new partner?
> --Mark Palmer
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anatoly
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 2:04 PM
> To: 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion'
> Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926
> We at TechInvestLab have experience of introducing of ISO 15926 to general
> public (not professional ontologists) in self-education mode. It required
> very special reading sequence (in Russian this is in more details at
> http://dot15926.livejournal.com/27293.html):
> I. Theory for general understanding.
> 1. Read a book of Chris Partridge "Business Objects: Re-Engineering for
> Re-Use"
> http://www.borosolutions.co.uk/research/content/files/books/BusObj-Printed-2
> 0050531-with-watermark.pdf/at_download/file (while this book has no
> references to ISO 15926 or any other language or software or standard). This
> is mandatory reading for all beginners. In Russian we have video about 4D vs
> 3D ontology that we recommend as addition for 7th Chapter of this book. Try
> to find something equal to support 4D understanding (it is very tricky).
> 2. Only then you should read "An Introduction to ISO 15926" issued by
> FIATECH consortium --
> http://fiatech.org/images/stories/techprojects/project_deliverables/iso-intr
> o-ver1.pdf
> 3. Then you should read first part of book of Matthew West "Developing High
> Quality Data Models":
> http://www.amazon.com/Developing-High-Quality-Data-Models/dp/0123751063
> (second part of this book is HQDM specific data model, you need not to read
> it. First part is mandatory).
> 4. Read thesis of Andries van Renssen "Gellish. A Generic Extensible
> Ontological Language":
> http://repository.tudelft.nl/assets/uuid:de26132b-6f03-41b9-b882-c74b7e34a07
> d/its_renssen_20050914.pdf
> This is also not about ISO 15926 and not even 4D but there are many
> interesting things about relations and table format. Take ideas about table
> data representation and usage of ontology in engineering. Take no ontology
> from this book (except very good set of relations).
> This is about 1200 pages (about 4 month for 4 hours/day or reading).
> Many people stops here. This is general education in engineering approach to
> ontology.
> II. Now you are ready to mastering knowledge of ISO 15926 as a standard.
> 1. Read ISO 15926 Part 2 (this is upper ontology, 201 type of entities). 241
> pages.
> 2. Read 47 pages of draft of ISO 15926 Part 6 (RDL management).
> 3. Take .15926 Editor (freeware, http://techinvestlab.ru/dot15926Editor) .
> Have fun browsing PCA RDL (about 2.7mln triples for near 50000 concepts like
> "centrifugal pump" -- you can prefer do it online from SPARQL endpoint or
> load from OWL file that take about 1 minute 20 second on a notebook with our
> Editor). Spend not too much time for this. This is like reading
> Encyclopedia, only to get understanding.
> 4. Read ISO 15926 Part 7 (templates in logic language Plan 9), 126 pages and
> Part 8 (templates in OWL).
> 5. Now try to see examples from http://15926.info/ -- now you have a chance
> to understand it. We have several examples of engineering data in .15926
> Editor samples directory. See also sample diagrams on
> http://techinvestlab.ru/iso15926_sample_diagrams. Up to this moment you will
> find multiple examples from different sources.
> 6. Read "ISO 15926 outside" methodology for reference data engineering:
> http://techinvestlab.ru/files/RefDataEng/RefDataEngr_ver_2_25feb11.doc -- 18
> pages.
> 7. Subscribe for community "ISO 15926" в LinkedIn and read discussions. Read
> http://iringug.org (implementations hub).
> This is about 500 pages and many diagrams to understand. 2 month.
> Most of people stops here. If you are not scared, proceed to real thing.
> III. Now you are ready to do you first ISO 15926 systems federation project.
> Join somebody with ISO 15926 experience to supervise you modeling activity
> and tool chain mastering.
> Welcome to the ontology-based systems federation community of practice! You
> have "yellow belt" qualification.
> After 3 year you will have "black belt" master level and can participate at
> Modeling Meeting.
> This is valid for general public. I think that people from Ontology Summit
> can do this self-education really fast!
> Best regards,
> Anatoly
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontology-
>> summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ron Wheeler
>> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:54 PM
>> To: Ontology Summit 2011 discussion
>> Subject: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926
>> http://fiatech.org/images/stories/techprojects/project_deliverables/iso-
>> intro-ver1.pdf
>> I know that this is a familiar document to many here. Some people here
> are
>> mentioned in it.
>> For those who have not read it, I recommend the glossary for its tone and
>> lighthearted approach to defining things.
>> I scanned the whole document which was very readable but got the biggest
>> kick out of the glossary.
>> Any document on Ontology that quotes Lewis Carrol and uses Colossus and
>> Guardian as examples of interoperability "ISO 15926 intends to achieve
>> (minus, of course, the taking-over-the-world-and-enslaving-humanity
>> part.)" and uses categorization of Weird Al to illustrate a technical
> challenge,
>> is "must" reading.
>> Enjoy.
>> Ron
>> --
>> Ron Wheeler
>> President
>> Artifact Software Inc
>> email: rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> skype: ronaldmwheeler
>> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102
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