Interesting sequence of gates to achieve a basic understanding of ISO 15926. (01)
What else is needed to achieve deployment in commercial products that are
effective for plug and play interoperablility with new engineering and supplier
....without needing special consultants and runtime negotiations with each new
partner? (02)
--Mark Palmer (03)
-----Original Message-----
From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Anatoly Levenchuk
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 2:04 PM
To: 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion'
Subject: Re: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926 (04)
We at TechInvestLab have experience of introducing of ISO 15926 to general
public (not professional ontologists) in self-education mode. It required
very special reading sequence (in Russian this is in more details at (05)
I. Theory for general understanding. (06)
1. Read a book of Chris Partridge "Business Objects: Re-Engineering for
0050531-with-watermark.pdf/at_download/file (while this book has no
references to ISO 15926 or any other language or software or standard). This
is mandatory reading for all beginners. In Russian we have video about 4D vs
3D ontology that we recommend as addition for 7th Chapter of this book. Try
to find something equal to support 4D understanding (it is very tricky). (07)
2. Only then you should read "An Introduction to ISO 15926" issued by
FIATECH consortium --
o-ver1.pdf (08)
3. Then you should read first part of book of Matthew West "Developing High
Quality Data Models":
(second part of this book is HQDM specific data model, you need not to read
it. First part is mandatory). (09)
4. Read thesis of Andries van Renssen "Gellish. A Generic Extensible
Ontological Language":
This is also not about ISO 15926 and not even 4D but there are many
interesting things about relations and table format. Take ideas about table
data representation and usage of ontology in engineering. Take no ontology
from this book (except very good set of relations). (010)
This is about 1200 pages (about 4 month for 4 hours/day or reading). (011)
Many people stops here. This is general education in engineering approach to
ontology. (012)
II. Now you are ready to mastering knowledge of ISO 15926 as a standard. (013)
1. Read ISO 15926 Part 2 (this is upper ontology, 201 type of entities). 241
pages. (014)
2. Read 47 pages of draft of ISO 15926 Part 6 (RDL management). (015)
3. Take .15926 Editor (freeware, .
Have fun browsing PCA RDL (about 2.7mln triples for near 50000 concepts like
"centrifugal pump" -- you can prefer do it online from SPARQL endpoint or
load from OWL file that take about 1 minute 20 second on a notebook with our
Editor). Spend not too much time for this. This is like reading
Encyclopedia, only to get understanding. (016)
4. Read ISO 15926 Part 7 (templates in logic language Plan 9), 126 pages and
Part 8 (templates in OWL). (017)
5. Now try to see examples from -- now you have a chance
to understand it. We have several examples of engineering data in .15926
Editor samples directory. See also sample diagrams on Up to this moment you will
find multiple examples from different sources. (018)
6. Read "ISO 15926 outside" methodology for reference data engineering: -- 18
pages. (019)
7. Subscribe for community "ISO 15926" в LinkedIn and read discussions. Read (implementations hub). (020)
This is about 500 pages and many diagrams to understand. 2 month. (021)
Most of people stops here. If you are not scared, proceed to real thing. (022)
III. Now you are ready to do you first ISO 15926 systems federation project.
Join somebody with ISO 15926 experience to supervise you modeling activity
and tool chain mastering.
Welcome to the ontology-based systems federation community of practice! You
have "yellow belt" qualification.
After 3 year you will have "black belt" master level and can participate at
Modeling Meeting. (023)
This is valid for general public. I think that people from Ontology Summit
can do this self-education really fast! (024)
Best regards,
Anatoly (025)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ontology-summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontology-
> summit-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ron Wheeler
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 9:54 PM
> To: Ontology Summit 2011 discussion
> Subject: [ontology-summit] An Intro to ISO 15926
> intro-ver1.pdf
> I know that this is a familiar document to many here. Some people here
> mentioned in it.
> For those who have not read it, I recommend the glossary for its tone and
> lighthearted approach to defining things.
> I scanned the whole document which was very readable but got the biggest
> kick out of the glossary.
> Any document on Ontology that quotes Lewis Carrol and uses Colossus and
> Guardian as examples of interoperability "ISO 15926 intends to achieve
> (minus, of course, the taking-over-the-world-and-enslaving-humanity
> part.)" and uses categorization of Weird Al to illustrate a technical
> is "must" reading.
> Enjoy.
> Ron
> --
> Ron Wheeler
> President
> Artifact Software Inc
> email: rwheeler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> skype: ronaldmwheeler
> phone: 866-970-2435, ext 102 (026)
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