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[ontology-summit] [Quality] Ontology Quality Questionnaire update

To: 'Ontology Summit 2012 discussion' <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Mike Bennett <mbennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2012 22:50:00 +0000
Message-id: <4F514E98.8020305@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Everyone,    (01)

Some of you may recall that at last week's Ontology Summit 
session on "Implementing Ontology Quality Measures in Big Systems 
Engineering" (Feb 23) we intended to devote part of the 
discussion and Q & A portion of the call to having participants 
fill in a questionnaire, for which we prepared a number of 
questions.    (02)

In the end we were unable to do this during the session and so we 
have decided to run these questions as an on line survey.    (03)

Some of you provided answers before or after the session. These 
are not forgotten - in fact they have given us valuable input in 
fine tuning and improving the survey.    (04)

We are in the process of configuring the new on line survey 
system which will go on line in the near future. We're working 
through the questions so as to make an effective means of 
gathering your collective wisdom on matters of ontology quality.    (05)

We will let you know when this is on line - watch this space!    (06)

Best regards,    (07)

Mike Bennett
Amanda Vizedom
Cross-Track-A1 co-chairs    (08)

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