Hi, Joanne,
I did not presume you were commenting on John's post. Your comment did make me
realize that some equate 'standard' with 'one and only' so I wanted to make
sure we included 'nyms'
On Feb 24, 2011, at 3:08 PM, Joanne Luciano (gmail) wrote: (01)
> Hi Jack,
> My comment wasn't really directed at John's (only partially).
> I'm at CSHALS and wanting to "be two places at once" - as I co-organize this
>meeting, I wait all year for these 3 days.
> (I should have jumped back to the original, but didn't)
> Joanne
> On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Jack Ring wrote:
>> Thanks for highlighting this. FWiW, I presume a 'standard ontology' one that
>is Fit For Purpose is one that contains all the 'nyms' relevant to the
>intended usage. Standard does NOT mean one and only one term for each concept
>or one and only one label for each attribute.
>> Perhaps John meant otherwise.
>> Jack
>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 2:41 PM, Joanne Luciano (gmail) wrote:
>>> My 2 cents:
>>> If we're talking sales.... selling to improve adoption
>>> We need to sell on the
>>> Flexible Data Model
>>> (got this from Toby Toby Segaran Data Magnate Metaweb Technologies (just
>acquired by Google). He gave the keynote this morning at CSHALS
>>> His slides are here:
>>> (that is underlying the ontology (e.g. RDF)) and that there can be many
>(stakeholder) views on top of that Flexible Data Model. And terminology can
>be standardized, however, the nice thing about standards, is there are so many
>to choose from :)
>>> with the flexible data model, new "fields" can be added without breaking
>the schema
>>> we can put different ontologies - that are created for different purposes,
>selling "one ontology fit's all" will not work (imho) - because it doesn't
>>> also sell easy merging (with the flexible data model, when using a standard
>terminology (thereby putting the terminology argument in context)
>>> this would also facilitate "deep querying" to answer complex questions
>>> Joanne
>>> Joanne S. Luciano, PhD
>>> Research Associate Professor
>>> Tetherless World Constellation
>>> Department of Computer Science
>>> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
>>> 110 8th Street, Winslow 2143
>>> Troy, NY 12180, USA
>>> On Feb 24, 2011, at 4:19 PM, Jack Ring wrote:
>>>> John Sowa says it very well, as usual.
>>>> However, I suggest that the third thing we need to sell is the use of a
>standardized *terminology* for the enterprise.
>>>> The first thing they want to hear is how they can gain better knowledge
>exchange and choice making throughout their extended enterprise.
>>>> The second thing they want to hear is how they can ascend from
>coordination to cooperation to collaboration to co-learning to co-evolving.
>>>> Once they believe there is a way to do this and one that is not
>potentially 'career limiting' (high risk) then they will fund a pilot project
>to demo those two achievements.
>>>> The demo will entail standardizing both terminology and "the way we do
>things around here" also called culture but they don't need to be concerned
>about that. The fact that you are going to discover one facet of their
>ontology and install a knowledge exchange transformer need not take up a lot
>of their mind-share. Once they are experiencing the joy of it all you can tell
>them how of evolve the capability to other facets of their enterprise.
>>>> When I get time I will share a 10-facet model of an intelligent enterprise
>and a ten-C's model of the ascent of human synergy in an organization. These
>may help figure out the locus of the first demo in any given enterprise.
>>>> I do not have an opinion about Owl other than noting that its users come
>disturbingly close to generating the old-time, dreaded spaghetti code.
>>>> Onward,
>>>> Jack Ring
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