On 5/18/2015 7:44 PM, Rich Cooper wrote:
> I am interested in the emotions, their interrelationships,
> and math models of how they work in a library of situations. (01)
There have been many, many such models over the centuries.
For a model developed by the psychologist David Matsumoto and
applied to "human intelligence", see
http://www.humintell.com/macroexpressions-microexpressions-and-subtle-expressions/ (02)
That page has 7 sample faces that express his "universal facial
expressions of emotion": Happy, Surprise, Contempt, Sadness, Anger,
Disgust, and Fear. It also cites some publications that describe
applications of that classification. (03)
> I am looking for an algorithm that could, with sizeable numbers
> of fruit flies, and sizeable numbers of situations experimentally
> simulated to the flies, elicit the ontology of the fruit fly's
> response CLASS TYPEs through observing the behavior of the fruit flies. (04)
I got that message from your previous note. (05)
> Don't expect a "unified theory" based on a simple combination
> of features or components. (06)
> But do use a simple framework of combinations of the common
> components to explore the emotion space. (07)
Philosophers, psychologists, psychiatrists, and neuroscientists
have devoted many person-millennia to exploring the "emotion space"
with a huge number of simple and complex frameworks. (08)
If anybody comes up with a really good combination, I would express
something between Happy and Surprise. But I'm not holding my breath. (09)
John (010)
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