On 4/4/15 9:17 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2015, at 8:37 AM, Matthew West<dr.matthew.west@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >Dear John,
>> >
>> >MW
>>> >>I'm assuming you happen to have two bits of ontology that are
>>> >>pre-existing and that you want to make use of, that happen to have
>>> >>different upper level ontologies. I haven't come across an example
>>> >>either, but I guess it could happen.
>> >
>> >Again, look at Schema.org. Its upper level is very underspecified, but it's
>> >widely used. Users who share information expressed in the categories of
>> >Schema.org make no assumptions about a more detailed upper level. Most of
>> >them probably have no upper level.
>> >
>> >[MW>] I find it interesting that it seems that minimising the axioms in your
>> >ontology seems to help for exchange of information. Yet without axioms you
>> >have nothing to reason over.
> But you do have, at least, a global agreement on which name to use for each
>concept, or perhaps more accurately each concept-cluster, since users will not
>be thinking of exactly the same things when they use the name. But just this
>bare minimum of loose agreement on names to use for things is a huge advance
>over the situation we have been in up to now.
> I strongly suspect that the main achievement of the semantic-web/linked-data
>movement might simply be a universally used lexicon for referring to a large
>fraction of the things people want to communicate about, backed up with places
>to plug in axioms where they are needed, which will not be everywhere. And of
>course, what Kingsley calls 'sponsorship' can also be called 'adoption', which
>is all that is required to create a universal lexicon.
> Pat
> (01)
Pat, (02)
Yes! That's a very accurate description of our Linked Open Data reality,
at the current time :) (03)
"plugged-in-axioms" are one of those business model items that many
overlook, still. (04)
Regards, (05)
Kingsley Idehen
Founder & CEO
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