On 4/4/15 11:49 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
> On 4/4/2015 10:46 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> Should "English" be mandated for Ontology construction? What about all
>> the non native English speakers that also want to participate in the
>> global act of encoding and decoding information, aided by ontologies?
> I was talking about Schema.org, which uses English.
> When I talk about controlled NLs, I use the generic term NL.
>> Basically, underspecification isn't its fundamental virtue. It's a
>> combination of underspecification and sponsorship (Google, Yahoo!,
>> Microsoft, Yandex, W3C, and others) that's made it successful.
> I agree, but one that had more details wouldn't have succeeded
> even with all the backing. (01)
It wouldn't make a difference. Nobody wants to knowingly exclude their
Web content from Google, Bing!, Yandex, and Yahoo!. That's the decision
basis i.e., under-, over-, or any-specification doesn't count, an iota.
Folks would even mass-implement the ghastly RDF/XML notation if the
payoff was increased positioning in search engine results pages. (02)
> Note the rapid growth of the WWW, which was implemented by a
> small group at a research center to support a bunch of academics.
> Another example: In the mid 1990s, Linus Torvalds was asked about
> his goals for Linux. He jokingly replied "World domination."
> Today, that joke is reality. And it all started with one student
> in Finland who couldn't afford a commercial version of Unix, so
> he implemented his own. (03)
These bootstraps had more to do with cohesive communities and
deliverable hitting pain-points, at the right time. I am very familiar
with the bootstrap of both, but maybe for another thread :) (04)
> John
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Regards, (06)
Kingsley Idehen
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